Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It makes you question things...

Ok, so a few weeks ago I received a charming forwarded email fom a friend about a tigress who had lost her own cubs due to premature pregnancy complications and had (through various channels) 'adopted' piglets (dressed in tiger skin) as her own. Pictures were downloaded and 'oohed' ad 'aahed' over.
I was so taken bu the story that I told it to family and friends at a subsequent barbecue (where I am quite cleary recognised as the left-wing vegan freak).
What really shits me up the wall is that I neglected to do the research. I should know better, dammit, I do know better, but as the email came from a trusted source, I got lazy.
It turns out that the images were taken at Sriracha Zoo in Thailand where all manner of 'unnatural' displays are choreographed for tourist interest. (Chonburi Thailand).
It turn out that in press reports, Srirachi zoo (2004) was under investigation for illeglal breeding for wildlife exports to China (where Tiger parts are in high demand for TCM). In late 2004 the zoo was closed due to an outbreak of avian influenza which killed between 80-100 tigers (some euthanized) because of raw chicken carcasses fed to said tigers.

So, I have this to say. Animal activists everywhere, -CHECK YOUR SOURCES before you post anything else of this nature. Most of us AR types are susceptible to the 'rosy' view of animals, but at the end of the day, you are not doing the cause any good by forwarding cute and cuddly urban myths. I am suitably ashamed that I 'bought it' and even more ashamed that my scientific training took a back seat when I am usually anally diligent about such things. Obviously I have a very soft spot for animals, but I am mortified that my rationality was so compromised in this case. Needless to say, I have learned a valuable lesson regarding the veracity of my sources and do hereby resolve to be far more diligent in future.
Oh, postscript, to anyone who's worried that my nutritional research is similarly flawed,-have no fear. Because I am studying, my methodology is not only secure but double-checked by my superiors (Thank God,-who'd have thought I'd ever actually praise the academic process...)

Google 'Tigress and Piglets' to see pics. I've been trying to upload them for an hour and I'm thoroughly pissed off with it all. Sorry guys.

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