Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The beholder

My eyes worked well this week. I have seen a great number of things that have affected me. I could often be accused of walking through the world seeing nothing. This is especially ture when in busy environs. I usually ignore the seething mass of humanity and retreat to familiar ports nestled on safe neural ocean currents.


A man kisses a woman roughly before she jumps on a bus. She pushes hastily until she is at the rear window. They watch each other with small smiles until the bus is out of sight.

A small child convinces both mother and father to swing on the monkey-bars in a park full of people. The whole park smiles readily.

A girl in pain reaches deep inside to find a voice she thought she has lost. She sings through and with the ache and finds sounds of deepest mahogany.

He comes in to kiss her forehead lightly every morning. She has only just realised, as he is careful to be silent.

A cat attempts to figure out why humans play pianos and sets her little paws to keys, bottom to stool watching carefully and imitating.

A magpie stands over the body of a fallen mate and makes a sound both terrible and beautiful.

Weary adults become children splashing down a riverbed and walking gleefully through mud in the autumn sun.

An elderly gentleman complete with straw boater and vest imparts gentle wisdom to a rough young woman who has not uttered a sentence without swearing. They laugh like old companions.

A woman finds an old love letter and is surprised by misty eyes as she sips her tea and time folds in on itself.

A spotty teenaged boy folds his umbrella in the rain and allows himself to be rained upon. He squints upward with a little smile.

An aging teacher arrives home and thinking himself unobserved talks to his cat about school matters.

This week the seething masses have been interesting.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The holidays that were...

OK. Term starts up again tomorrow and quite frankly, I'm still well and truly in 'holiday mode'. There was the wedding, the farm trip, catching up with friends, finishing units of study, surprise saffron milk caps and far too many theatrical and musical events that I still didn't have time to get to! A small amount of gardening was done, but my dreams of enough $$ in the 'wishing well' to plant out a spring bulb bed did not materialize. Instead I have new sugarloaf cabbages, leeks and some new pansies.

Someone left a novel called 'Veronica' wrapped in a plastic bag outside my letter box. It was inscribed 'To a dear daughter from an absent mum, happy belated Christmas". No name, no address, no possible clue as to who I could return it to...So I read it. Very depressing in the manner of morbid self-examination. Am sorry I dipped into this anonymous family saga. Am getting the feeling that these are people dipped in various murks. I bought a complete works of Austen for the holidays but didn't read anything of it. I should have.

So, another term begins, another 10 weeks of trying to convince children that practising can actually help them progress, another 10 weeks of getting nowhere. Oh well, I've had the champagne and roses for two weeks, I guess I am due a dose of prosaic reality.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wedding photos

Bugger that. Blogger is awful when it comes to uploading photos. You'll have to check fspazbook if you want to see them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Saffron milk caps

Are these Saffron millk caps? There are an abundance of them beneath my pine trees in the backyard. If they are, I'm making the best damn stroganoff known to mankind. An Estonian friend of ours served these (I think) up to me a few years ago and they were the most amazing mushrooms I had ever tasted. She simply added butter, garlic, red wine, salt and sour cream (I would use the Toffuti version of course). Mr is very suspicious. He insists that I eat them first as he's the only one with a license to drive the poisoned individual to hospital...tres romantique.

My friend (Tiiu Reissar) used to go picking in the Oberon state pine forests every autumn. From the reserach I've done so far, it seems that these are the culprits. However, being on the naturally cautious side, I will take some down to the markets this weekend for analysis. It is bad form to die one week after ones wedding I believe.

I should add that when I cut the caps they bleed a definitive orange latex and are slimy to the touch (it has been raining for a week). Ooooh, I'm so excited! Even if I can't cook the little buggers, they look gorgeous poking up under the pines.
Will upload further shots tomorrow for identification. Camera batteries died. So sad,-the twins are dead. They died on the job. R.I.P

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Oh yes indeed. This is one of those rare books that I couldn't put down. Cover to cover in one delicious evening sitting in front of the fire with a botle of champagne. Caroline Hamilton is one magnificent storyteller. A mouth watering kaleidoscope of Amelia, Katarina, vegetable gardens, groaning pear trees, tea, bread, pig slaughter, hypnotising chickens, market stalls, Baba Yaga, Lilith and Eve, the love of women, murder, revenge, curing human meat and bottling tomatoes. I enjoyed being revolted, I glowed in the company of women who understand the power of food and love, I felt ill during slaughter, felt sorry for the pigs but not at all sorry by the conclusion. Read it, buy it, send this woman as much encouragement as you can to continue to pour out her amazing gift for those of us who appreciate it.

Sneak preview:

'It is almost as if she is on fire as she tells me this. I can see small beads of sweat forming o her brow. I have never met anyone who tlks about food this way. She is animated, excited, and it is contagious. I want to whirl her around the room and kiss her square on the lips. I have finally found someone who shares my excitement for food, for eating, for cooking. There is reverence for flavour in this room, and some kind of religious fervour; I feel as though I've been baptised. This is my passion. Apricot angels singed with chilli are singing in my belly and I desperately want to know how she did this, how she made this happen.' Chapter 1

Lydgate is right. The creation of food for others is a sensual occupation. Hands busy creating and recreating textures that compliment, steam and juices mingling in a carefully conducted symphony, the eye savouring colour and arranging a canvas for the senses, the selection of wine or spirit to waken the tongue and lift flavour higher, the first bite of the creation and the small stillness of the recipient as flavours stream through senses gently, the complete involvement of the diner's body as they smell and taste and allow their mouths pleasure before your eyes. Yes, the creation of food is a sensual thing.

Orgasmalicious accidental date loaf

Dad calls. They're dropping in to see the new fridge (?). Feeling homey and cook-y and generally domestic I casually mention that I'll whip up a date loaf...shyeah, like it's that simple:-) But it was and also is the most amazing loaf I've ever cooked.
Accidental date loaf

1 cup chopped dates

1/2 cup chopped pistachios

1/2 cup sugar

60gms (ish) Nuttelex

2 tsp Allspice

1 tsp nutmeg

2 tsp ground ginger

1 cup boiling water

1 tsp baking powder

2 cups SR flour

put everything but flour in a bowl until marg is melted and dates are soft (10 mins?)

sift in flour and mix until combined

pop in greased and lined loaf tin at 175 degress for 40 minutes.

Pour copious quantities of earl grey tea and serve warm with nuttelex while adorable father manages to not-quite-light-fire three times. Laugh as mother helps by throwing in solitary twig and magazine paper.

Give up on fire until Mr comes home to magically fix things.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Things that work

Weird mushrooms growing amongst the pine needles out back,

Chilli and 85% Lindt chocolate,

Lots of beans harvested early,

yellow squash growing under tall ears of corn,

Moody grey skies and flaming trees,

Peace and solitude and a glass of wine,

My new vacuum cleaner,

The surprises of my dreaming mind,

Piles of pumpkins and pomegranates,

Fresh sheets scented with vanilla, rose and black pepper,

The face and voice that add spice to fantasy,

Big pots of chicken, corn and noodle soup with crusty rolls from the oven,

Bathing in a Karma melt and washing with honey soap,

Lighting candles when alone,

Tea sipped outdoors smelling thyme and sage,

nefarious plans with no conclusion,

Time to let my mind tumble and fall in swirls of red desire.

Things that don't..

Loud people,

People with mysterious agendas and impenetrable walls,

The noise of computer games,

Being smothered,

Finishing a great book,

Not having money for my spring bulb plans,

morning breath,


catching sight of one's naked self at bad angles,

families with non-mysterious agendas that forget manners,

The dead mouse,

wishing to play scrabble with a live human but being alone,

lots of beautiful men now not allowed,

my bloody modem.

Monday, April 14, 2008

How to cook wedding decorations

As any of you who attended the grand-hitching would be aware,-I have mountains of pumpkins sitting in my kitchen! The obvious remedy for this situation is pumpkin soup. Sorry about the crap photo of the decorations btw, it's a photo of a photo....yes, I am desperate.
This recipe is actually my brothers (yes, you read that correctly) and is the soup we served in the picnic baskets for the hitchin'. Mr and I never got a chance to try any on the day, so I made it again.


Half a medium pumpkin, cubed

1 medium potato, cubed

1 leek

1 medium apple, cubed

5 cups water

1 tbsp Vegeta

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp black pepper

1 tbsp Nuttelex

1/2 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg

Soften leek in nuttelex then add spices and stir til fragrant. Add pumpkin, potato, apple and water and bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer for approximately 30 minutes. Blend til smooth. If you like a creamier soup add 1 cup of warmed soy milk at the very end and mix through.

In other news our new massive fridge arrived today. It is an impressive thing. I now have a small fridge to sell. $100 to anyone that's interested (it's a 250L). Weirdly enough the delivery guy was the first one to hear the words 'My Husband...' come out of my mouth. Mind you, it was weird. I stammered "My (pause) ha..ha..haaarsband can move the car if you like". The whole husband/wife thing is going to take some getting used to I think. Nothing and everything has changed and has put my brain into a wild spin. I am naked and newborn and stumbling around a familiar landscape that has subtly changed overnight. I have lost my armour and have looked in the last place I saw it to no avail. It's all feeling a bit uncomfortable, like a skin that doesn't quite fit yet. To add another skein of oddness, I dreamed last night that Superman was Superman but he had green heat-vision. I thought 'aha! The comic books were lying'. He was not wearing tights.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pizza and henna

The boys are excited. Cyber-vixen's henna adornments of my feet made them quite jealous, so I fetched the henna-bag the vixen had left for me and drew on Mr for a while. He now feels 'tough' apparently:-)
No idea if it will work, but Mr had fun:-) Lydgate had to leave due to his Doctoring responsibilities on the morrow, but suggested that he would like a scripted henna work with 'Doctors do it with a thermometer'. I am not convinced. If I have to do the work I think the quote should at least make you laugh til you wee. Any funny blog-reading types out there with better ideas are welcome to leave suggestions. Lydgate did get his beloved vegan pizza for din-dins though. Easy meal, but one of the best. Oh, girlies,-cooking makes Lydgate horny apparently. Buy some fab ingredients and cook with him....
Again, all true henna artists and chefs, look away! But I am having fun and surely that's all that matters? :-) I think I'd like to draw an anime figure on Lydgate. Maybe some of that bizarre anime porn stuff...or a Hogwarts crest.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


My adored photographer has all the photos still, but I took about 5 to show off immediately:-) Most are from this morning, but hey,-I was just a trifle busy yesterday.

I couldn't have asked for a more marvellous day. Following, I am now totally in love with at least 50 people (generally known as 'guests') in addition to my husband. This is not as tricky a thing to pull off as it may sound. Everyone was just so damned fabulous and peaceful, and jolly and merry and you know, everything.

Weddings are stressful things, but after the pure joy of the day, I begin to understand why people keep doing it:-) I only wish we had been able to afford a wedding videographer. I know my memory, and it is a shame that I will eventually lose some of the details (especially the marvellous speeches). I also neglected to take any photos of the post dinner and cocktails at Lillianfels. That was supremely dumb. Supremely.

However, rest assured that many many gorgeous shots will be posted with all haste and that I am a happy happy girl.
Bloody uploads keep failing. Will try again tomorrow. Grr.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

stress much?

Well and good. We had a wedding rehearsal today and apart from my need to behave like a brattish 3 year old, everything went swimmingly:-) (Whosoever invented that phrase has obviously not seen Mr.

The weather has cleared up beautifully and the autumn colours are perfect.

Lovely lunch sitting like hippies on the Leura Mall strip followed by a couple a beers at the Royal with Lydgate and Cybervixen.

Slightly worried about things but dealing (I think) graciously. As Mr's boss said today 'Screw-ups can be charming'. Too true. I will attempt to not giggle my way through the ceremony. Official things always tickle my funny-bone. I am amused by pomp and circumstance and slightly tittilated by the idea of destroying said pomp completely....

Monday, April 7, 2008

When you're in love, my, how they fly....

I saw blue! It has disappeared again, but 'twas definately there for a few minutes. I am glad I don't have to work this week, but as a result I'm rather at a loose end here. I have done everything that needs to be done and am now kinda twiddling my thumbs. comes the rain again....
I know I shouldn't do this 'cos it's supposed to be all secret and stuff, but here's a sneak preview of the dress...
The bottom is a little crushed because it's hanging in a protective bag (I'm attempting to keep it well clear of Miss Merow). Pretty pretty pretty! The hairdresser's did a marvellous job by the way, I have my natural colour back! (Well, natural with a few foils...), there is something wonderful about gentle female hands giving you a thorough scalp massage..indulgent to be sure, but magic. When I'm extremely rich I will get this done at least once a month.
Now I can see quite a lot of blue out skies, smilin' at me...
I should probably get off my lazy posterior and clean the house...might not though. Being bone-lazy and indolent is quite a nice change for me. Might just try to revel in it instead:-) I will clean up on thursday so all the people flocking in on Friday don't think they've accidentally walked into the Garbage set from Labyrinth. I'm looking forward to Friday actually, lots of cooking and playing with flowers. Oh bugger, I should be trying to learn those vows too...might do that then.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


It's raining! Not just raining, but raining. This shouldn't happen. The weather is mean and nasty.
Usually I adore rain/mist/general atmospheric condensation but NOT THIS WEEK! I feel selfish for even thinking such thoughts though as Lydgate and Superman have just lost their step-father to cancer. I also feel terrible asking them to celebrate with me as soon as next weekend. I'm not sure there is any way to do this well (although all suggestions gratefully received). I will completely understand if their smiles are only half-deep.

I have had a bizarrely wonderful day though. I woke up and did the quick blog/fspazbook check and was saddened and strangely shocked by Lydgate's announcement. Ma and pa kettle dropped in though to take me up to Katoomba co-op to buy 'supplies'. As a result, I now have 5 beautiful quinces (complete with fuzz), a pomegranate, another handsome green squash, walnuts, pecans and some fabulously dirty spuds. How many brides, I wonder, search for such things to decorate their wedding? How many brides squeal 'No! It's far too clean! Bring on dirty produce!'...We also stopped for tea and banana bread and that is never a hardship:-)

A quick check-in with Tyrian-the-wonder-seamstress and we discover that I can pick everything up tomorrow! For a woman who isn't 'into' clothes, I am terribly excited:-) Tomorrow is also the first hair appointment...goodbye gray, goodbye red, and a big HELLO to hair that is actually matched to my natural colour. After the hair event I will buy all cheeses and biccies for the picnic baskets that I packed and tagged today. Things are on the move.
Also discovered that one of my all-time favourite men, Mr Charlton Heston shuffled off his mortal coil this morning. At 84 he'd had what my dad would call ' a good innings' (cricket metaphors are par-for-the-course with my dad...although I apparently prefer golf....). 'El Cid' is still one of my favourite films and I adored Ben Hur in spite of the immense animal cruelty engaged in to film the famous Chariot-race. It was a 'voice' thing with me and Charlton. Boo's mum would understand...Rest well Sir.
Then I had the loveliest chat with my often absent little brother. He is terribly excited about this hitching and transferred serious $$ into my account to pay for hair and makeup (plus a kicker to make my life easier). Sooooooo grateful, as I was literally down to my last $2 and envisioning turning up to Hairdresser's shame-faced tomorrow to cancel. Last-minute to be sure, but very very welcome. Even better, he will stay around for all the festivities on the day and not have to rush off to a gig somewhere! Oh it will be the merriest of parties! Even if it rains.....(sob) will clear will.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Hut they never built me

I want a hut. I want to run to a cool dark place and stay there for four days. These are days of solitude, of turning inwards, of listening to your body rather than demanding it carries on as usual. These are days of long sleep and of fever dream...Who was he? and why do I miss him on waking? Why did my voice take on Siren qualities? It felt wonderful, his admiration and my ability to sing over a crowd of people. Why did my mind make him married and unattainable? Where did that face come from? It was no one I know or have ever known. The air is restless today. Restless skies make me unsettled and uneasy; not least because they are often harbingers of wet weather. I want to lie under a soft blanket with a cup of tea and have a low male voice read me short dark stories from the 1800's. Maybe he could brush my hair and pour me a glass of very fine red wine. I want his eyes to dance and laugh with kindness and mischief. I don't want this man to be my lover. I don't want this man to 'want' me. I want him to love me like a sister, to be kind to me because he wants my smile and warmth, not my body. I think he will light candles and the fire because he knows I love them both. This man smells nice; of cedar and cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper with a trace of vanilla. He is wearing dark jeans and a large jumper. His hair is clean and smells newly washed. I am allowed to look at his beautiful hands as he reads and the beauty of his neck and Jaw. I am allowed to revel in his maleness and magnificence, all the more apparent because he isn't trying to make me notice. When I fall asleep he will curl away into the night like woodsmoke. Fleu de feu, oh flower of fire.

The reality is that I am on my way to work to teach 7 students in a row. I will come home and try to cook something for us that isn't too awful. I will then apply my mediocre calligraphy skills to the name cards that will hang from the picnic baskets. I will have a cup of tea and collapse into bed (where I should have been all along) and try to conjure my red-moon man from the ether. I will wake, having succeeded or not, and go out to teach all over again.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Gently Johnny....

Bit of a pagan old day really. Maybe it's the red moon, maybe it's the impending nuptials...Thought I'd share the lyrics of two wonderful songs from the original 'Wicker Man' film.

But first, I took some apples down to old man apple tree and placed them in his branches. I think he may have forgotten what they look like...

I also took some snaps of my extremely enthusiastic beans and my glorious pineapple sage. The sparks of brilliant red look wonderful in the autumn sunlight and will be welcome additions to wedding decorations (should balance beautifully with the apple branches, pumpkins, corn wheat and herbs spilling from every available crack in the stone walls)

So, my all-time favourite Gently Johnny:

I put my hand upon her kneeAnd she said - do you want to see? I put my hand upon her breastAnd she said - do you want to kiss? Gently gently johnnyGently johnny, my jinglo(repeat)I put my hand upon her thighAnd she said - would you like to try? I put my hand upon her bellyAnd she said - do you want to fill me? Gently gently gently johnnyGently johnny my jinglo...(repeat)I put my hand upon her kneeAnd she said - do you want to see? I put my hand upon her breastAnd she said - do you want to kiss? Gently gently gently johnnyGently johnny my jinglo

And the delightfully literal May Pole Song:

In the woods there grew a treeAnd a fine fine tree was heAnd on that tree there was a limbAnd on that limb there was a branchAnd on that branch there was a nestAnd in that nest there was an eggAnd in that egg there was a birdAnd from that bird a feather cameAnd of that feather wasA bedAnd on that bed there was a girlAnd on that girl there was a manAnd from that man there was a seedAnd from that seed there was a boyAnd from that boy there was a manAnd for that man there was a graveFrom that grave there grewA treeIn the Summerisle,Summerisle, Summerisle, Summerisle woodSummerisle wood.

To conclude todays little rant, Christopher Lee's monologue (only in the Director's cut)...what can I say? Agree agree agree:-)

I think I could turn and live with animals, they're so placid and self contain'd,I stand and look at them long and long.They do not sweat and whine about their condition,They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things,Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,Not one is respectable or unhappy over the earth
