Monday, April 14, 2008

How to cook wedding decorations

As any of you who attended the grand-hitching would be aware,-I have mountains of pumpkins sitting in my kitchen! The obvious remedy for this situation is pumpkin soup. Sorry about the crap photo of the decorations btw, it's a photo of a photo....yes, I am desperate.
This recipe is actually my brothers (yes, you read that correctly) and is the soup we served in the picnic baskets for the hitchin'. Mr and I never got a chance to try any on the day, so I made it again.


Half a medium pumpkin, cubed

1 medium potato, cubed

1 leek

1 medium apple, cubed

5 cups water

1 tbsp Vegeta

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp black pepper

1 tbsp Nuttelex

1/2 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg

Soften leek in nuttelex then add spices and stir til fragrant. Add pumpkin, potato, apple and water and bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer for approximately 30 minutes. Blend til smooth. If you like a creamier soup add 1 cup of warmed soy milk at the very end and mix through.

In other news our new massive fridge arrived today. It is an impressive thing. I now have a small fridge to sell. $100 to anyone that's interested (it's a 250L). Weirdly enough the delivery guy was the first one to hear the words 'My Husband...' come out of my mouth. Mind you, it was weird. I stammered "My (pause) ha..ha..haaarsband can move the car if you like". The whole husband/wife thing is going to take some getting used to I think. Nothing and everything has changed and has put my brain into a wild spin. I am naked and newborn and stumbling around a familiar landscape that has subtly changed overnight. I have lost my armour and have looked in the last place I saw it to no avail. It's all feeling a bit uncomfortable, like a skin that doesn't quite fit yet. To add another skein of oddness, I dreamed last night that Superman was Superman but he had green heat-vision. I thought 'aha! The comic books were lying'. He was not wearing tights.

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