Monday, July 14, 2008


You know what annoys me? People who are self-consciously and deliberately 'different'. People that no longer have a sense of humour unless it has a literary reference. People who use knowledge and learning as a weapon. People that you would love to know but cannot due to the immense walls of wank that surround them.

You know what pleases me? Simple things with great friends with no agenda. People that don't eviscerate you for every faux pax. People that are able to be vulnerable and do not believe that I am a velocoraptor in disguise. People that can be 'un-PC' and are OK with it. People that understand that not everything in llfe is a competition, and that all competition is essentially futile. People that let me love them.
By the way, my boys are such people. If you can't see it,-more fool you.



  1. I like the part where you say 'big friggin raspberry'.

  2. Oh no! You caught us. And I thought we were so careful.

    Of all the photos you could've posted...

    [hangs head in shame]

  3. Awwww, but you're both so cute:-) And terribly, terribly masculine, of course.
