Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Thankyou Gem for inspiring me to waste a serious amount of time on this website...


  1. Ummm... weird. Quite glad you're not actually half-human half-feline.

    On another topic, here is a message from Naomi re Orpheus:

    From Peter Shepherd:

    "Cath would be the PERFECT Juno [Queen of the Gods], if she would apply. Actually I would
    cast without audition [...] If you are in contact, please let
    her know."

    "I wish we had a really good, dashing, rather raffish person for Pluto. "

  2. Awwww, now I feel all chuffed and stuff...:-) Do you know who else is in the cast? Maybe I could do it...I likes bein' offered roles sans audition I does:-)

  3. Nope, no idea. I do remember being really unnerved whilst we were watching Annie that the director was looking at one of the boys (Lachlan I think his name was) and talking about how he'd look great in Orpheus with his shirt off wearing only vines.

    Barely concealed homosexual pedophilia is a little too vulgar for poor Cam.
