Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bridget Jones moment

Well, OK, I'm not listening to Sad-FM, or drinking vodka, but I am 'all by myself' for four days while Mr is at State Drama Camp. A very odd feeling indeed.
I did manage to light a roaring fire 'all by myself' though,-quite chuffed about that.
I had dinner early 'cos I happened to be hungry and didn't have to 'wait' until we both were, vacuumed the house thoroughly, raked the yard, applied liberal cow manure to fruiting trees and raspberry canes, started reading some Ursula le Guin (I have never read the Earthsea books and figured it was high time I gave them a go), got bored and started reading some Naomi Wolf, got bored and started re-reading Kaz Cook's 'Up the Duff', got bored...luckily the phone rang..but it was mum telling me about how beautiful my brother's interior-designed apartment looks. Harrumph.
Time is quite the slow old phenomenon without other humans. I dragged out the sewing machine and was going to do some quilting but lost my motivation before I got started. Oh well, the kitchen table looks like someone's going to be creative at some point in the near future.
I did complete my course-outline for the Nepean Community College yesterday, and am anxiously waiting for my CSU acceptance papers. Mum asked if I was, perhaps, 'depressed'. Perhaps, although I couldn't tell you about what. I don't feel depressed. Tired and persnickety, yes. Everything will be fine after I've watched Mansfield Park tonight though. I may even have a glass of myself...does that make me an alco? I am drinking alone, but only out of happenstance...That's my defense and I'm sticking to it.


  1. Drinking along doesn't make you an alco, but apparently more than two standards makes you a binge drinker. So sayeth the NH&MRC.

  2. Oh well, I binged OUT man,-three!!! (Over 5 hours) I'm still snippy with the 'powers that be' anyhoo,-they still insist that dairy is healthy and that humans need enough protein to sink a u-boat...meh. what do they know?:-)
