Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Mill-wheel turns and the waters roar.

You can't see much from there. Your view is blocked by verdant green. There is no latch on the wooden gate, just push gently. Oh, the Jasmine often gets stuck just there, don't worry-there's enough of it for me not to worry about the bit you just broke off.
It's quite safe to take your shoes off on this path. In fact, do. Then your feet will feel the tickle of the thyme and chamomile that grows between the rocks.
What you're smelling is the Daphne to your right, and the wisteria that covers the front porch. If a breeze springs up you will be showered with tiny purple petals.
Now you can see the house more clearly. It's not large, but most available outside wall-space is covered with creeping something. The Wisteria you can't miss, it literally drips off the awning in almost obscene abundance. The red vine near the chimney is boston ivy. I love it, but unfortunately so do spiders. I always send Mr to trim it back as a result. Oh, stop for a minute. Just near the front step there is an enormous may bush. Stand under it. Now, grab a branch and shake. Trust me. It's snowing! I loved to this when I was a child, and the little white petals in your hair are sweet.
The blue and pink hydrangeas are in full bloom. I don't know how Mr manages to have both colours in the same garden bed, some mysterious PH balancing act known only to him. Ah well, let him have some secrets!
The porch is quite cool isn't it? I suspect the vines act as insulation. Over to the right there is where we most often eat breakfast. It's lovely in the dappled sunlight. The cushions on the chairs need replacing, but they're still comfortable. To the left is Mr's chair, yesterday's paper, an open paperback and a tea-mug. I have asked him to pick up after himself...sigh.
Come in, come in! Tea? Yes, I looove my kitchen too! Mr did most of it himself. I wanted it to look like something out of the Magic Faraway Tree, hence the countertops with rough bark edges and the old iron range complete with stone chimney and fire.
Yes, the herbs hanging above you are from the garden. I dug the onions about a week ago and just finished plaiting them. They are pretty aren't they? That's marjoram, thyme, lemon verbena, lavender, bergamot, golden rod,...oh, the odd looking pods? Love-in-a-mist/Devil-in-a-bush. Have some warm banana bread with that.
Would you prefer to drink that out the back?
Do you mind if I just grab some veges for dinner while we're here? I know it looks like a hodge-podge but this 'random' planting seems to confuse the bugs. Aren't the scarlet flowers on that bean trellis pretty? I think I like them more than the beans.
Cauliflower, Kale, Tomato, a couple of zucchini, a few leaves of the red-oak, lamb's ear, cos, butter...I just take leaves as I need them. Can you just have a squiz in that vine behind you and see if there's a decent sized cucumber? No, not that one, that's the kiwi,-the one with the little yellow flowers.
Now some Calendula flowers, borage flowers, parsley...no, that's an heirloom tomato. It doesn't taste purple. Have one! Go on, nothing quite like a sun-warm tom straight from the vine.
That down there? That's the shed and music studio. Oh, the miniature version on the left is the chook-house. That huge tree hanging over the chooks is a quince. The blossoms are magnificent but I can't give away enough of the fruit! Take a basket home with you if you like. I've never really had the patience to make Jam.
Ohhh. That chill comes off the mountains at this time of afternoon. Time for a jumper pretty soon I think. We weren't sure about living this high up, but the bulbs love it. If you had come last week you would have seen more jonquils and daffodils,-they're past their best now and Mr is just itching to mow the lawn. He's not allowed until after the flowering season, of course.
Actually, he'll be home any minute. I should probably make a start on dinner. Would you like to stay? Nothing fancy I'm afraid, just Mash, roasted cauliflower, chick-pea burgers and ratatouille with a big salad.
My brother was over last week though and left a marvellous bottle of Pinot. We'll open it shall we? I'll light some candles and put some relaxing music on.
I'd love a hand with dinner,-thankyou! let's go in and see what we can create....


  1. Not for a long time has writing so vividly captured my imagination. Well done.

    After dinner can we go down to the studio so I can play the piano and listen to you and Mr sing? I have plenty of time before I have to drive back into town. My shift at hospital doesn't start 'til late, and my beautiful, intelligent, musically-gifted, egalitarian-thinking girlfriend who loves to go jogging/swimming with me is off to visit her parents.

    We've talked about getting a rural homestead too, and I know she wants to move into a new home with me because she's dying to have a huge garden and she's been hinting that she wants to have children sometime in the future (so she wants a lot of green land for them to play in). I haven't decided yet 'cause it's a pretty big decision. But she's mature and thoughtful, and she laughs good-naturedly, and she always knows the right thing to say. I might stop and buy her a huge bouquet of flowers as a surprise when she comes back at the end of the week, just to let her know how lucky I feel that she still loves me despite all my goofy antics and imperfections.

  2. I really like the sound of this girlfriend of yours:-) You must bring her over so I can feed her!
    Flowers are a great idea,-just be sure to find out what her true favourites are.
    You know you're always welcome in my studio and my kitchen. We can sing before and after dinner if you like:-) Although I was planning on making some hot golden puddings for dessert. Perhaps you and Mr can go down and start without me. Could you lock the chooks in on the way through? They will all have taken themselves off to bed already, so tip-toe!
    Ask Mr to stop at the wood-pile and get a fire going down there in the pot-belly stove. I'll be down with puddings and a pot of tea in a little while.

  3. Can do. It's quite chilly outside now, so remember to bring your coat when you come down, although I'm sure you can hear us from the kitchen anyway.

    I'll collect Nimue on the way too. She tends to enjoy curling up in front of the studio stove, and she seems to like the chicken coop too, even though the hens are all bigger than her.

  4. Have you all turned into Anne of Green Gables suddenly?

  5. Ahhhh Escapism...I hadn't really decided on the colour of the roof, Green is quite pretty though. Maybe I was accidentally channeling Ms Montgomery. Scary.

  6. Why am I suddenly sad that the fantasy has come to an end? I was rather enjoying that.
    Maybe we need the cold stab of reality. Maybe not. What a shame. There was still alot to be discovered.

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