Wednesday, December 24, 2008
In a few short weeks
you gave me a glimpse of eternity.
It may be considered silly
over-the-top even to grieve like this
in a cave
away from all light
not hearing anyone
but I want to be in the darkness
with you.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Waiting and Worrying

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Why? Why do tampons need wings? How much room do they think we have up there? wouldn't it just be like an extra wrapping round the tampon?
And why do people insist on having sex when they know they're in a horror movie? And why do I care so much about the American election outcome? And why do I have to go to South penrith to sit on my ass and put up a sign? And what do I cook for my brother on saturday?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Catching my breath
Legs swing out from cream sheets onto a red persian rug. This is usually accompanied by the thought 'Wow, -I'm really white'. Ambling to the mirror, a brush is utilised and unruly bed hair twisted and clipped up and behind. I don't really like the look, but it is practical-besides, I don't have time to 'do' my hair so that it looks fabulous hanging free.
A quick skin assessment is undertaken with varying results,-usually not too upset by my own appearance. Face is fine. Not supermodel, but not elephant man. Am grateful for the few piddly breaks the universe throws at me.
Am always tempted to apply deodorant immediately (pathological need to smell nice at all times) but this motivates me to get to the shower (work days) or the bath (days off).
I am a fast washer. There's the initial turning on of cold tap followed by hot. The testing for temperature (still clothed) then the super quick shedding of jammies followed by the equally quick 'get under there immediately' dance. Front first, then back, then hair and face. Soapy fluffy shower thing utilised for fast and fairly aggressive scrubbing, perfunctory attention to hair paid with constant thought 'This will make my hair frizzy,-I should slow down and massage my scalp like the hairdressers do'. I slow down for 20 seconds and get bored.
Water off, jump out and grab towel at lightning speed to avoid seeing naked self in bathroom mirror (some things are just too much first thing in the morning). Regretful guilty glance toward scales, and towel wrapped about promptly. Careful exit of bathroom ensues. You have to slow down for 3 seconds between bathroom and hall or you'll slip on the tiles. Speed increases when you hit carpet.
Back in the bedroom, the kitten looks up sleepily and decides that the show will not be worth waking up for. Kitten head curls under paws and the resting continues for one of us.
Towelling dry is another very fast and somewhat aggressive activity. The thought occurs that all this pumelling must be good for cellulite. Do I have any? The thought will remain as it is, because there is no way I'm looking. Moisturiser applied to face with sunscreen. Lush powder sprinkled liberally (making me even whiter), and on occasion 'Karma' cream body moisturiser applied to decolletage and neck. Clothing comfortingly and hastily applied to very white self. Deodorant always forgotten until clothes are on requiring much pulling and twisting.
Now it is time for breakfast. No wonder I'm bloody exhausted all the time.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Another $100 spent very well

This is what happens when you casually 'drop in' to a garden centre on the way home from grocery shopping...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Spring fever

Out onto the lawn that depserately needs a mow, I'm pleased with my purple and gold pansies. They were bunged into lawn edging with very little thought, and like most things I neglect in the garden, are sending forth copious large blooms, and matching my purple daisies beautifully. Above them the pear tree is just starting to blossom, and the hazelnut bush to the right is beautifully dressed in new spring leaves. The violets beneath are rampant, and the spinach planted randomly throughout needs picking. Hmmm, maybe spinach and 'fetta' tarts for dinner?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Blue Mist
Because I can, I bought 4 new books this week.
'The Tuesday Erotica Club' by L B Kovetz
'Making History' by Stephen Fry
'Here on Earth' by Alice Hoffman
'Playing with Water' by Kate Llewellyn.
I have read the first two, and am eagerly looking forward to the others. When I buy books in bulk, a general rule of thumb applies. If the first two are great, I have a good book-choosing expedition. The first two were great.
Odd the things you find in second-hand books. A train ticket from Ingleburn used as a bookmark and a religious tract used as another.
The religious tract was in 'The Tuesday Erotica Club'....I giggled enough to make the $9 very very worthwhile.
All of these little gems were discovered at the 'Blue Mist cafe' in Wentworth Falls. It is the second-hand bookshop I would have set-up in another life. This is extremely handy as I spend very little time perusing shelves before various excited squeals emanate from me. So anyone who has exactly the same taste in books as I do should most definately visit:-) Mr wandered a little forlornly due to a serious absence of Sci-Fi titles, but I hit the Jackpot time and time again:-)
Even better, on weekends, the 'bookshop' is opened as a cafe, so you can have tea and yummy things and gaze longingly at great books. Word to the non-mountains types, there is no ATM in the falls,-bring cash.
I was particularly pleased to add another Fry and another Llewellyn to my collection. Adore them both to pieces. Kate might as well be me, and Stephen is the me I could have been (if I were a genius gay male). Adorable.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The aftermath
Having spent the weekend violently expelling the contents of my stomach and sleeping between bouts, I have little tolerance and even less sympathy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I tried to get someone else's baby to sleep today. She took one look at me and screeched for 1/2 an hour. So that was comforting.
The cottage is a right shambles and there are no seeds for the players at Pear-Tree Theatre. I feel unreasonably guilty about this and should pop off shops and remedy immediately. Does that count as my daily act of random kindness? (being that it is neither random, nor particularly 'kind').
I also spent an unusually large amount of time at the piano when I got home desperately figuring out the Ewok theme from 'Return of the Jedi'. It seemed important at the time.
Dinner will be beans on toast. Poor Mr, he should trade me in.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
There's a salad in my garden dear liza...

Monday, August 25, 2008
Small fact added that I need $$. I need these things to work as they should so I can live. OK. Calm down, Ring various important persons on the morrow and fix it. Destroy the detritus of another months failure. Keep hoping.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Before the Fall...
In other news we finally had Lydgate at the cottage on saturday/sunday and I got to feed him again. I forgot how lovely a thing this can be. He grinned so hard when he and mr picked me up from work that my heart leapt. This boy is a lovely thing. We shall whisk him off to Caloola as fast as humanly possible and walk in the bush together. We will cook and play cards and silly word games and have adventures. This thought will keep me going for the next 4 weeks of teaching.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lorikeets and Millie's Mix
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Katoomba hospital saw my bum
Apparently I had a migraine. Never had one before, but am left with tremendous sympathy for sufferers. Dr Waits did test me for a temporal something-or-other but my very special something or other readings were only 11 and 17...apparently that means mild inflammation consistent with viral infection.
I think they should send ones blood to the micro lab and come back with a picture of your very own virus. "Here, this is what you it around at work in case no one believes you". My virus must be very very large with hook-like tentacles and a bad attitude. I suspect it has poison sacs lined up along its barbs and special headache-toxins that race through neural pathways shorting them out (visuals like on medical shows).
Anyhoo, I'm stoned off my nut now. More drugs in me than I would have thought possible. Early night a definite, and serious bed time on the morrow. Another 6 day week approaches and I would prefer it without the screaming agony this time.
All Scottish holidays hereby accepted,-no cooling-off period required.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It would be, it would be so nice....
My hand are covered in unsightly chillblains and I have a lergy I can't seem to shake. Right now, I look forward to bedtime. It gets me quite excited,-the idea of an 8 hour blackout.
I want to eat salad but my house is so cold of an evening it seems like torture to even consider it. It is soooooo time for a holiday, even a working holiday would be OK.
I am summoning the energy to teach music for 4 hours this afternoon. The God of pianoforte is apparently not available, nor is the God of 'all children are special' so I'm going to have to try summoning the God of fiscal necessity.
To add to the fun, I have a nice sticky left eye that is suggesting conjunctivitis.
My appetite disappeared last week and hasn't returned. I am quite annoyed at this. One of my stand-by pleasures, and it's out for the count.
It didn't help that I spent 5 hours last night listening to the most depressing client stories in the universe. 'Then I f*n got an f*n sledgehammer and f*n smashed her phone, little b*tch was askin for it. Dont f*n push me, I'm tellin ya' (me trying to explain why text-based study was important to drama development...she thought I meant 'text' messaging).
I need an energy and motivation injection Doctor,-prescription please?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
When you see pieces of yourself unravelling you need a day of mending or holes will soon appear in your carefully constructed pattern. You have the option of deliberately unravelling and starting over with a new pattern, should you wish, but if you are fond of the old garment and have no wish to don a new life, mending is preferred. Mending should be undertaken when necessary and extraneous concerns relegated to their rightful place in your grand scheme.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Lovely lovely Sunday
The week that was has fled, and the week yet-to-be is fast approaching. I am patting myself on the head smugly for surviving without any major dramas. Mind you, my every muscle is screaming...that would be the direct result of not having done a full-on actors warm-up in over 12 months and then doing 5 sessions in one day. Speaking of which, I am unduly disturbed by the inability of most children to touch their toes. I will change this:-)
I was intending to do some study today, but am trying to convince myself that it is ok to have an afternoon off once a week. Microbiology is an old friend, but statistics and I have never had a warm relationship...
I have a little Cam in one of my classes. He is horribly bright, cheeky and a result I adore him to pieces. He is so much like our Lydgate it's almost scary:-) I don't mean to play favourites, but it is very hard to remain aloof with this mischevious little sprite.
I am considering an afternoon nap. This seems unbearably lazy, but the idea just won't be shaken. Don't judge me too harshly,-I think I'm going to give in to the impulse for once.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
'Oh, as long as I knoe how to love...'
It seems that the mighty Cath may be seriously deficient in management skills after all. I have trouble dealing with 'clients'. I am good at telling the truth and making friends. Is this my deficiency or the company's? Or rather, the economic paradigm...
Right now, it's all a bt 'up in the air'. I haven't got the resources I need, my venue is woefully inadequate (but that is a joy for tomorrow) and my tutors need me on site (note just sometimes). I now have to decide to give free hours to the company or watch my 'area; fall. Yay, And that's the first day.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It may end up working itself out. I certainly hope so, but sheesh,-talk about ridiculously busy. Every hour of every day is spoken for. I am waving a teary goodbye to marvellous days in my cottage with bubble-baths, gardening, walking in the mist, listening to lovely music and nesting. Mr (although he isn't aware of this yet) has just waved goodbye to fabulous meals created on such days. Mr will now have to deal with thrown-together affairs at the end of long days that may or may not be edible.
It has also just occurred to me that I haven't left any room in my schedule for shopping. Maybe I'll have to go high-tech and order online...there's a scary thought.
I've also left myself no room for creative pursuits. There is definately no space left for Wilde in the gardens or my touring Shakespeare.
I had also planned to walk the road of motherhood soon. Can I do all this whilst pregnant? I'm sure I will settle into some kind of routine with it all, but it is rather overwhelming at the moment.
Add to this residential school attendance, sale days and planning school holiday workshops....gah! Would everything be easier if I had a blackberry? Why didn't I just study ONE subject and get a nice sensible 9-5 job?
One-armed paper-hanger...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Happy Birthday
Mum did mention that our family seemed a little incomplete without dear which I suffered a momentary pang, because of course, he should have been here with us. We shall make it up to him next weekend. Perhaps a trip to see Batman and the mother/chick cooking up a feast? I shall ponder a marvellous menu and spread the birthday cheer:-)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Just silly really...
Venustus trinus ut Megalong valley hodie per Mr. EGO didn't postulo scribo is in Latin , tamen eram sic amused per Dale's mica code ut EGO sententia I'd tribuo alius fun of a reddo excercise. Nos ingredior per a flumen went down plures calx steps ut Mermaid's specus quod bought natalis dictata pro parum frater. Totus in totus , plurimus satisfactory. Off ut kitchen iam facio pie. Dulcis potato , lens lentis quod gelu servo per brussels surculus broccoli , paganus , palpo quod fanaticus beans. Cras , epulum dies pro prosapia per Cauliflower bisque pie salad , panis volvo quod ego saucing chocolate puddings per soy glacies crepito. Merlot quod atrum grape juice bibo quod a aestuo wood incendia. Bonus vicis.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Beans, beans the magical fruit....

Easy recipes for Bathurst Interns
I have been to Bathurst Woolies. I am sure the ingredients will all be there and the Yeast Flakes available at Go-Vita.
Egg-free pasta (enough for four), 2 cups soy milk, 1/2 tub tofutti cream cheese, 1 brown onion, 2 tsps crushed garlic, 1 tsp chilli flakes, 1/2 tsp caraway seeds, 1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes, 2 tsp Vegeta seasoning, 2 tsp black pepper (coarse), handful toasted pinenuts, 1/3 cup tomato ketchup, as many baby spinach leaves as you can fit into the pot, 1 tbsp olive oil
Monday, July 14, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
In the works
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Fabulous kind of day

Log fire, good company, roast veges (chat potatoes, parsnip, pumpkin, red shallotts, cauliflower, sweet potato and carrot in rosemary, sea salt and olive oil). I will put 'Ladies in Lavender' and 'Pride and Prejudice' on the stereo on shuffle and enjoy eating immensely. I shall lighten the load by providing steamed sprouts, broccoli and grey zucchini with a light balsamic and honey glaze.

There is a fabulous salad that I do for summer barbecues with fresh blanched broad beans, toasted slivered almonds, roasted kumera cubes, spring onion and a lime and sweet chilli dressing. Gooseberries make lovely jam but are best eaten fresh from the bush (perhaps with a chaser of fresh raspberries from the canes behind) and a kiwi or two from the vine to the right. The food garden is one of the prettiest things you'll ever see. Everyone smiles amongst an abundance of edible growing things!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Coccyx stuff sucks
I'm supposed to be teaching drama workshops in 2 days too. I will be very very disappointed if I'm not mobile enough to do that. At the moment though I can't walk around the house without pain, let alone lead drama workshops and walk to and from various stations (and negotiate the stairs that will inevitably be involved).
What I can do is share the recipe for the lovely soup I made a few days ago;
1 large brown onion, finely diced
2 cloves garlic, finely diced
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp nuttelex
1 tsp cumin seeds
4 tsp cracked black pepper
4 tsp Vegeta seasoning
4 tbsp massel chicken stock
1 tsp mixed herbs
4 medium white potatoes cubed
4 ears of corn, shucked and kernelled.
1/2 cup savoury yeast flakes
1 tbsp cornflour in 5 tbsp water (paste)
1/3 cup pearl barley
Simple method, just fry off onion, garlic and spices in oil and butter, add the rest with about 10 cups of water and boil and a rolling boil for about 1 hr. Serve with crusty bread and fresh parsley finely chopped and mixed through just before serving. For a creamier chowder add either 3 tbsp Toffutti cream cheese, or 1/2 cup full-fat soy milk (don't boil soy-milk though,-it will curdle).
I also added 2 tsp chilli flakes 'cos I like things to have a little bit of 'bite' but these are optional.
In other news, the wonderful Cybervixen bought me 'The Veganomicon' for my birthday. As soon as I can walk, bend, balance, I will be cooking up a storm! Very taken with the chick-pea cutlets that are a mixture of chick-peas and seitan, and the sweet n' spicy barbecue tofu. There's also a recipe for a vanilla pound cake (one of my all-time favourite cakes) that I'm BUSTING to try (especially as I have vegan custard mix in the cupboard). I crave warm pound cake and custard...and sooky girly movies...and salty things. I would also like to be entirely well by tomorrow so that I can do these workshops.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The times, they are a changin'
Today I have to teach (blerch),..but it's the second last day of term so I will down Codral and soldier on. I will also have a lovely ylang ylang bubble bath, copious cups of tea and a bowl of potato and corn chowder that I whipped up this morning. Hey Ho! With tea in hand and smelling like a garden I can take on the world!
I don't find out about this job til Wednesday next week. I am not going to fret about it. I will forget it and carry on as usual. Off to start phase one of survival,-the bubble bath.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Unusually bold
I have been cited various and numerous instances of people getting jobs through sheer force of personality, impressive adaptability and just general intelligence and affability. I am also determined to get a pay-rise. If this means changing jobs,-so be it. If the current lot won't give me one, maybe there is an employer out there who will value me a little more highly...and his sister runs quite the successful lingerie line...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Straight through please
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bridget Jones moment
I did manage to light a roaring fire 'all by myself' though,-quite chuffed about that.
I had dinner early 'cos I happened to be hungry and didn't have to 'wait' until we both were, vacuumed the house thoroughly, raked the yard, applied liberal cow manure to fruiting trees and raspberry canes, started reading some Ursula le Guin (I have never read the Earthsea books and figured it was high time I gave them a go), got bored and started reading some Naomi Wolf, got bored and started re-reading Kaz Cook's 'Up the Duff', got bored...luckily the phone rang..but it was mum telling me about how beautiful my brother's interior-designed apartment looks. Harrumph.
Time is quite the slow old phenomenon without other humans. I dragged out the sewing machine and was going to do some quilting but lost my motivation before I got started. Oh well, the kitchen table looks like someone's going to be creative at some point in the near future.
I did complete my course-outline for the Nepean Community College yesterday, and am anxiously waiting for my CSU acceptance papers. Mum asked if I was, perhaps, 'depressed'. Perhaps, although I couldn't tell you about what. I don't feel depressed. Tired and persnickety, yes. Everything will be fine after I've watched Mansfield Park tonight though. I may even have a glass of myself...does that make me an alco? I am drinking alone, but only out of happenstance...That's my defense and I'm sticking to it.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Careful the things you say...
OK. Fired up, all engines blazing. Annoyed again by economic rationalism and the 'plight' of the poor beef farmer. Boo-friggin' hoo. I have changed jobs constantly for the last 15 years according to necessity. Sometimes this went against our family traditions, sometimes against my pride and ability, sometimes against my own code of morality (BP....), but Jesus H Christ,-don't try and tell me that beef farming is all you have or you'll die. Bored with that argument. I once said the same thing about acting and music. Oh?....not in the same ballpark? really? I have had to change, reinvent and compromise in order to surivive. Try it.
Do not sully my intelligence with half-baked romanticism about land and family. Try training for5 15 years to 'expert' level only to find that society couldn't care less. I can't rope a steer but I can sing an aria, play anything from the BWV and teach the aforementioned to anyone who takes the time to try.
Of course, I am far less tragic than the 'drought-stricken farmer'. They do 'real stuff'.
Our government wets their pants to help the cattle-torturers but is mute for our artists. Obviously, one brings captal, the other brings only joy and questions and despair and elation and fury and apathy etc. I am now charging $1.66 per thought.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hey little sister, Shotgun
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Take my love, take me land...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
lentil soup
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thai Food and School Staffrooms
To top everything off I settled down with Ms Greer and her politics of human fertility...bit of light bed-time reading.
Today I am a bear. I need to hibernate. I am annoyed that I had to wake up at all. I'm even more annoyed that I have 6 hours of straight teaching to get through without a break this afternoon. The old body feels quite odd,-reminiscent of my fun Glandular fever experience a few years back. Just procuring breakfast this morning made me want to crawl back into my nest to recover. However, as one has no choice in such matters, one will ingest serious caffeine and soldier through. Isn't it school holidays yet?
I also have to face my kitchen and clean 2 days detritus and prepare something or other for Mr's dinner. Even peeling spuds seems like a serious undertaking today. Big Sigh. Straighten back (and resolve) and get on with it woman.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Minestrone and cockatoos
For those who are inclined, here's the recipe. It looks complex, but really apart from browning onions and cooking off the tomato paste first thing, you bung everything else in the pot, bring to the boil and then simmer for a couple of hours. That's the true genius of soup:-)
1 large brown onion finely chopped
2 or three celery stalks and leaves finely chopped
1 ear of corn kernels
2 medium carrots, grated
1 red capsicum finely chopped
1 cup soup mix (lentils/beans/barley etc)
1/2 cup small pasta shapes
2 tins No Frills tomato soup
1 tbsp Massel chicken stock
1 Green Gourmet vegan sausage finely diced
2 tsp vegeta seasoning
2 tsp italian mixed herbs
2 tbsp tomato paste
1/3 cup tomato ketchup
1 tsp chilli flakes
2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast Flakes
3-4 L purified water
Heady stuff. Serve with hot bread. Oh, and I brown the onions in Nuttelex.
My bird feeder continues to delight and amuse me, but I had rather a sad visitor today. A very very old and scabby cockie. He wasn't managing very well so I popped some seeds on the back balcony just for him (yeah...that worked!). He obliged me by posing for a photo with a couple of his younger and more handsome buddies. Poor bugger, I will now do everything I can to look after him, but I doubt he's got a great deal of time left on this planet....sniffle.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
It's only as odd as you feel

Three cheers for me. I made a small (mostly unnoticed) stand. Lydgate and Mr went off to the movies and I went to Blackheath for coffee with my family.
Friday, June 6, 2008
You say you want...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Washing Up and Ornithology
My kitchen is soooooo clean. This should shock you considerably. My kitchen generally ambles between shabby and shocking. I love cooking but have, until now despised washing up (except occasionally in winter when there seems so nother way to warm up my hands).

Just this morning an amusing scene at pear-tree theatre. 2 rainbow lorikeets screaming at a cockatoo while two rosellas pulled at their tail feathers trying to get to the feeder. Mr Cockatoo got quite stroppy, but the colourful little bullies weren't backing down. Meanwhile 2 king parrots sit in the box tree above patiently waiting for everyone else to move along.