Having spent the weekend violently expelling the contents of my stomach and sleeping between bouts, I have little tolerance and even less sympathy.
Much to-ing and fro-ing on the theatrical grapevine this week re: a certain production in Darlinghurst that cancelled 2 nights before opening.
I have had both sides explaining their point, and am a little bemused by the 'he-said/she-said' side-taking circus, very reminiscent of Grade 3. I am over theatrical egos and lazy people who use disdain and temper as a mask for inefficiency. I am over working for people who can't spell, I am over bolstering permanently damaged egos, I am over alcohol and late nights, I am over enthusing about things I really couldn't care less about.
I am not over Potatoes, Noodles, Gerry or Diet Coke. How could I be?

The next installment of 'day-off-sans-vomiting' involves watching 'Death Defying Acts'. I doubt this will be a mind-blowing activity, but it won't piss me off as much as continuing to ruminate on general stupidity. Rumination terminated.
Oh, and I'm a bad bad hostess. Lydgate was left to his own devices for a good 2 hrs last night. I went to bed ill, Mr followed 10 minutes after. I have still to impress on him the basic standards of having guests in ones home. They include not leaving said guests to fend for themselves for 2 hrs while one has a nice comfy early night. Esepecially not cool when said guest is also best friend and has to wait for Blue Mountains trains. Grr.
Ummm... Mr and I are beyond the whole 'guest' stage, so it's ok. I quite happily entertained with Dawn Of The Dead, but I did squish a wandering huntsman spider and then got some tea and forgot to remove the spidery bits afterwards, so you might still have a dead spider floating about near the TV. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteUnless Nim decided to eat it.
Ah! I gingerly poked at said 'dead' spider and then ran away with heart pounding. The remains are still there...=P
ReplyDeleteI was a little unnerved when I saw a glimmer of movement during TV watching and realised it was a spider, but I quickly dispatched it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought it was lucky that you were already asleep, because you may not have had a very restful night if you saw it alive.