Oh how I wish I had not misplaced my camera! After a leisurely breakfast of Mango, peach, apple, banana, rockmelon and passionfruit I went for a stroll in my beloved garden. Spring is a fever of excitement for gardeners. Walking down the back steps, I feel smug at my newly dug vege patch, then less smug when I feel the healthy but insistent muscle twinges still making themselves known after said digging.
This patch is planted with heirloom tomatoes, grey zucchini and yellow squash. I am considering a couple of capsicums for Mr's sake, but have never had much luck with them. What the hell,-it's as good an excuse as any for a visit to the nursey:-)

Out onto the lawn that depserately needs a mow, I'm pleased with my purple and gold pansies. They were bunged into lawn edging with very little thought, and like most things I neglect in the garden, are sending forth copious large blooms, and matching my purple daisies beautifully. Above them the pear tree is just starting to blossom, and the hazelnut bush to the right is beautifully dressed in new spring leaves. The violets beneath are rampant, and the spinach planted randomly throughout needs picking. Hmmm, maybe spinach and 'fetta' tarts for dinner?
Further down, my cornflowers have large healthy foliage, and next to the wormwood, the grey leaves are cooling. I hope for an impressive display of little blue buttons in a month or so. Next to them an old cottage-garden flower that I bought years ago is finally budding. I have no memory of what it is, and like presents at christmas, am excited by what will unfold.
My 'badlands' garden is a special joy. I am convinced that everything is growing well here now due to some mysterious Ph level change that is entirely due to the amount of sweat I have poured into the soil. This little patch has been cleared, newspapered, composted, manured and planted out time and again and is now bursting with raspberries, shallotts, garlic, gooseberries, apples, broad beans, parsley, oregano, lavender and tansy. To the right is my kiwi-vine just starting to sprout its new spring growth.
Down the back beds (almost invisible in tall grass until Mr does his husbandly duties), I have 4 varieties of potato, peas and cucumber sown and sprouting merrily.
In the gorgeous spring sunshine, there is no better tonic for a tired little soul than a wander around one's garden. Now I must tootle off and clean and bake fast! Lydgate and his mother are coming up for a wee visit and I have a weird 'woman' need to have a shiny, clean house for them and a cake baked. (...we won't eat it,-I'm taking them out to the 'Blue Mist' cafe which, I'm certain, has plaenty of cakes...) Lovely lovely saturday.
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