My kitchen is soooooo clean. This should shock you considerably. My kitchen generally ambles between shabby and shocking. I love cooking but have, until now despised washing up (except occasionally in winter when there seems so nother way to warm up my hands).
Mr has been quite tricksy. On the way back from buying veges last weekend, Mr pulled off the highway at the weird 'Pot Place' in W'Worth Falls; the one you always drive past and wonder 'Who actually goes to a pot-shop?'. Us, it seems.
I trotted along asking questions that were not answered and insiting that we didn't need a pot. I have pots. I have nothing to put in the pots,-why don't we go across the road to the Nursery?
20 minutes later I was the proud owner of a blue ceramic bird-feeder and a marble bird-bath.
We hung the feeder on the pear tree and poured in native bird seed. I waited anxiously all afternoon. A couple of cockatoos and an indian miner. I could have wept.
Then, the next day my bare and wintry pear tree was suddenly a riot of colour and birdy-arguments! I took my tea and sat on the bench beneath for an hour with a huge grin on my face:-)
I had king parrots, rosellas, rainbow lorikeets, satin bower birds and more cockies. I would have taken a photo but A certain Mr has worn out the batteries in my camera playing Lydgate's X-Box.
Now, I can wash up whilst watching my pretty feathered friends squabbling over sunflower seeds.

Just this morning an amusing scene at pear-tree theatre. 2 rainbow lorikeets screaming at a cockatoo while two rosellas pulled at their tail feathers trying to get to the feeder. Mr Cockatoo got quite stroppy, but the colourful little bullies weren't backing down. Meanwhile 2 king parrots sit in the box tree above patiently waiting for everyone else to move along.

Just this morning an amusing scene at pear-tree theatre. 2 rainbow lorikeets screaming at a cockatoo while two rosellas pulled at their tail feathers trying to get to the feeder. Mr Cockatoo got quite stroppy, but the colourful little bullies weren't backing down. Meanwhile 2 king parrots sit in the box tree above patiently waiting for everyone else to move along.
It just occurred to me that this post will bore everyone except me...Well, me and Bill Oddie.
I forgot that Bill Oddie was an ornothogologist (ooh I think that spelling is incorrect).
ReplyDeleteSorry 'bout the boring post though:-) Even I yawned on re-reading. Bird watching is only fun when immediate I'm afraid.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the post. BTW, I'm thinking of just giving the X-Box to Brett. I don't seem to have any interest in playing it.
ReplyDeleteBTW what are you doing for your birthday? I have this weekend off if you're wanting to have dinner somewhere.
You have this weekend off??!!! Fantastic! I think the official celebratory stuff is happenning next weekend but I think you should come up this weekend anyhoo:-) Maybe you and Brett could cook me a meal Sat Night?...just a thought=P
ReplyDeleteOh, BTW I want bulbs. Yes, go to a garden centre (or Bunnings) and buy me Jonquils, Daffodils and Freesias. That's what I want. A brown paper bag full of bulbs!! Never let it be said that I am difficult to buy for:-)
Well, you certainly have more beautiful birds over there than we have here. We have some color but about 50% are brown. I love watching the birds.