Some people may be a little tired of my lyrical waxings regarding my garden. Be that as it may, I have trotted forth with my lovely Christmas Camera (thankyou to Mr's Dad and Mum:-) and taken shots of the abundance that is the backyard of our Cottage.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Garden of Many Delights
Some people may be a little tired of my lyrical waxings regarding my garden. Be that as it may, I have trotted forth with my lovely Christmas Camera (thankyou to Mr's Dad and Mum:-) and taken shots of the abundance that is the backyard of our Cottage.
The Day that was and will be again
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ouch in many many ways

Bloody hell. Even with Lydgate's strong arm and fabulous hoeing skills, I am as sore as all get-out after yesterday's gardening efforts. Mind you, yesterday saw the completion of all the really hard garden work. All beds are now prepped and most are planted out. I can now go on holidays in peace knowing that my garden is in proper working order.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Seafood and sunsets
Monday, December 17, 2007

As I have the one dotted with pistachios, I will not use it as leg wax.
According to the site I visited , after making Halawa you can either eat it, or wrap it in glad wrap and store it in the fridge for next time.
I'm sure this is the only recipe in the world for leg-wax/dessert.
oooh, ABC FM is playing the soundtrack from 'Pride and Prejudice'. Time for a bubble bath and a cup of tea.
Lots of different colours zooming in and out like the acid trip I never took.
Last weekend I was bathed in medical white, jungle green, jamaican coffee and the brilliant crystal hues of effortless conversation with like minds. I can't get over how stupidly pleased I was to converse with others about the delights of vegetable gardening. It sounds silly, but it is such a rush when random party-goers share this particular fetish of mine. My feet were frozen while I chatted about the mysteries of men with the inimitable Slamma, my tastebuds were delighted with Cam's first vegan cheesecake, my mind was tickled by a small but impressive medical posse.
The rest of the weekend was green, brown and straw. Mainly due to my early xmas presents from Brett. 5 bags of Cow poo, 5 bags of mushroom compost, 3 bags of bark-chips and 2 bales of fine straw. Best christmas present ever.
I donned old trackies,a light shirt, tons of sunscreen and wandered through the herbs to my vegetable beds. I hoed in manure, compost and straw til the soil was a light and friable delight. The back of the top bed was planted with scarlet runner beans. In front of them lebanese and apple cucumbers, in front of that 3 different tomato varieties and broccoli.
Next bed down has oodles of celery seedlings and a seedless watermelon mound.
Across the path is my 3rd bed that looks a lot like I've buried 10 cats. This is my mexican experiment. According to traditional mexican planting, the best yield and most eco-friendlymanner of planting is to cultivate 'the three sisters'. Corn, beans and squash. You prepare your soil and then create hills (hence the ten cat graves...I have mounds...). The first sister to be planted is corn. When she is 5 inches high you pop beans at her base. They fix nitrogen into the soil and of course, climb up the corn. When the beans have a decent leg-up you plant squash at the base. This effectively provides a mulching effect for the soil and the large leaves encourage water retention. Planting in this way gives you maximum yield for minimum space but cannot be used commercially because apparently no clever mexican has yet invented a machine that can harvest all three crops. It must be done the old-fashioned way.-by hand. I shall relish this immensely I assure you!
Below this bed is the currently fallow nightshade bed. Next weekend it will be hoed and pooed and planted with capsicum, chilli, basil, more tomato and eggplant.
My only issue now is that I have no beds left for onion, garlic, potato and zucchini and I have completely forgotten to set aside space for a salad bed. Brett won't love me very much if I ask him to build me two new beds. Perhaps I will have to revert to my chaotic planting instincts and just slot them in wherever there's space.
When the house-warming party happens (mid to late January I hope), everything should be verdant and juicy and gorgeous and heart-warming. I shall lead people through my eden in a large straw hat and flowing whites and wach their hearts warm at the sight of organic abundance. People who don't think veges are beautiful needn't attend.
Off to Doyle's tonight for a 'Symphony' dinner. I'm not sure why I'm going to a seafood restaurant. My brother's idea. I guess I will try to be gracious and not gag into my salad while fellow humans rip heads and intestines from various sea-creatures and stuff them into their gaping maws. Many cigarette breaks may be necessary just to escape the smell. -Yes, I'm aware of how ridiculous that sounds.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
What goes around...
I should have touched wood.
Now I'm sick as a dog. My throat is an inferno embedded with razors, my nose is dripping buckets, I have an awful dry cough that only gets worse when I try to sleep.
Last night I totalled about 2hrs. Exhausted and needing TLC. Brett is sick too though, so limited sympathy and care is available.
Tomorrow I have to clean the house from top to bottom for a buyers inspection on saturday. Woo-hoo and Huzzah. I also have dear Lydgate coming up to celebrate the end of his course. I am determined to make a huge vegan lasagne and a crispy salad. Best of luck to me. I wish me all the best.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Great Southern Star
It's all over. I am left in the wake of the Symphony, elated, exhausted, a little lost.
It really was a wonderful evening. No, wonderful is the wrong word. It was an epoch in my performing life. It didn't feel like an epoch, but I know it was. It felt like just another gig, albeit with a better cast than I've worked with in some time.
Tuesday the 27th November was a grey, steamy day. The air was so thick you raised a sweat just getting out of the car. Mum and I went down early and parked at the Garrison, then walked around the unpleasantly fragrant harbour to the Opera House. The Stage Door was packed with catering staff, -neatly ironed penguins waiting to be led into the culinary bowels of the Opera House. They were there to create tempting delicacies for VIP's and sponsors and to serve them quietly and efficiently. Little penguin ghosts carrying champagne and canapes. I wanted to be one of them. There is some comfort in total anonymity.
Up the stairs we went to the blue Green Room. I ordered Chips and Gravy and enjoyed their absolute averageness in peace. Members of the Australian Ballet flitted to and fro amongst tables like butterflies with impossibly erect postures and well turned-out hips. ballet dancers don't run, they prance and frolic from one place to the next. I was an impostor in their world.
My bottle of Mead was promptly stashed in a locker. Mead is necessary to coat the cords with pleasant viscous warmth before concert performing. It's brown paper bag was suitably crumpled and seedy. Music? -check. Posters?,-check. Pen?,-check. T-Shirt?,-check. Time to adopt an erect turned-out posture and check for Choristers arriving.
In a matter of minutes the Green Room is a sea of white t-shirts. The sea has endless questions for me. At some point I have to find the 'stars' of the evening and take annoying back-stage photos of them for my brother's archives. I hate this job.
Through the endless intestinal corridors of the concert hall I amble, camera in hand. No sign of my brother. He is chauffering the amazon to and from another gig. I worry. He will be stressed. When he is stressed the ripples spread wide and fast.
Garret, Humble and Mardar are congregated around a steinway in a dressing-room with a view. I take an awful photo of the three and attempt wit. Garret gives an on-camera interview about my brother. It is odd to hear someone else speaking with authority about my brother and his work. I stand in the background amusing myself with alternative answers to the questions. Everyone laughs at his observations. Famous people are always witty.
No sign of the Nightingale or the Horse though. My plans of a photo of the lead cast are fast coming unstuck.
A brief visit to the holding pen and I get welcome cuddles and kisses from my favourite people. Time is slipping away fast and the choir needs to be warmed up, given notes to, and inspired.
I pop outside for a quick cigarette with Garrett. We discuss the TV series, Bjork, Superstar and repertory theatre. Again I am surprised by how much I like this guy. He promises to procure me a soundtrack I have been craving for some time.
Back upstairs the amazon and my brother have finally arrived. She looks like Titania, only more beautiful, he is surprisingly calm and wanders amongst the sea of white, meeting, greeting and laughing with his choir. The Camera follows him. I am reminded that success in the music industry is something I do not crave. Unfortunately there were no mall-babies for him to kiss.
It is time. I yell instructions. Waves of white wash past in excited whispers. The orchestra are all dressed up this time. Emperor penguins. they have the status and they know it.
The hall is full. Faces and colours shift and murmur like grass in the breeze. Lights go down. All eyes are glued stage right. Out strides our master and commander. I am struck by the sheer grace and presence of this man. His place in our strange world is well-deserved. I hope my voice responds appropriately to the graceful arc and sweep of his baton.
I hear the music. It washes through, in and out, round about. My eyes are fixed on our gallant leader. I could watch him for days. I wish I could just slouch in this seat, pour a glass of champagne and gaze.
40 minutes goes. I can't believe it. We are done. I have pulled the best out of my protesting throat. I am definately developing a version of my fiancee's cold. I have needed to cough every time the orchestra is quiet. I completely forgot to have any of the mead I so thoughtfully brought. It is still in its locker.
The entire audience is standing, cheering, yelling, clapping. In the distance my brother and his luminous colleaugues are being presented with Chandon and Roses. I grin like a fool and am surprised by tears welling in my treacherous eyes. I am so proud of him. I am so proud that the ditty that was given birth in my lounge-room has moved 2000 people. I feel very small, very happy, very sad,very overlooked, very proud, very ashamed. I leave the stage very quickly and head for that bastion of sanity,-the ladies bathroom.
I leave the Opera House with possibly indecent haste. I want to get away from all of it. It is too much. I smile and laugh and accept congratulations on my brother's behalf. I can't pass them on because he is with the VIP's and penguins somewhere lofty. Incidentals are not invited. I put on my festive face and make a rather large hoo-hah about procuring a margharita. It is expensive and average. Pan and tinks buy it for me. We, the unimportant sit at the Opera bar and try to dispel insignificance with bright laughter. I am surrounded by my dearest friends and loved ones, but I am not happy.
I steal a look at the programme. My name is there on the back cover. That's something I guess. There is proof that I was there.
The evening steams and sweats as we disperse. Home. bed.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
In a Nutshell

Mind you, I am edgy for other reasons. Half my world has been reduced to brown paper boxes and the other half needs to be packed pronto. I have also recently swallowed a lead-weight of 'Oh My God' when I realised how much removalists will cost me.
Nimue is cranky and swipey (of course). She knows something's up.
I also have to venture out into the screeching heat this afternoon to teach for someone else. This is not a huge problem, just another thing that gets in the way of packing. Through all this though, I have plans. I am not a mouse, or a man, so I have every expectation of fulfilling thiese plans.
The front garden of the new house needs love...badly. While at Faulconbridge fruit-market yesterday I found some gorgeous white hydrangeas and some espaliered star-jasmine. For $100 I can get 4 hydrangeas and 3 jasmines. This will be my new front garden. Hydra-Jasmine-Hydra-Jasmine etc. There is also a beautiful pale pink briar rose twined about my letter box that needs poo & pruning.
So, although there are weeks of teaching, symphonic carrying-on, packing and trips to NZ to be planned, I DO have a beautiful garden to take it allout on very shortly.
Oh, and I know what I want for Christmas. Anyone at all, please feel free to buy me lucerne hay, pea-straw or poo. I'm not fussy about the variety. Am also calling for bags and bags of rich compost. Please do not wrap said bags of poo nor place them beneath the Christmas tree.
Oh, just in case I know rich people. A large Persian Rug wouldn't go astray. I have a log-fire in my new house and it told me it wanted a persian rug in front of it. It has vanity issues I think.
Where's all this promised rain BOM? Waiting.....
Monday, October 29, 2007
Redressing the balance


Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Uprooted and screaming like a baby mandrake
The owners are selling.
I can't tell you how insecure I feel. I'm in a state of flux and anxiety. I love my house. I love my neighbourhood. I love the bright red flanders poppies that peek through the lavender and the ti-tree dripping with white blossoms. I love the vege patch that Brett built for me at some expense.
I love my huge garden and the wonderful meals we've had in it. My cat adores this place. She has a special tree. She will be sad to lose her tree.
I need a fairy godmother to buy this house for us.
I am scared and shell-less. This is no longer my home. I am in transition again and bloody terrified. Don't hurt me now. I'll bleed buckets.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Busy but not engaged

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
too cool for school
Everyone is waiting to be noticed. Everyone believes they are an undiscovered genius. Worse, they expect me to agree.
I don't know and I don't care. If you don't want to do it, OK.-that's your choice. If you do,..sheesh , is it too much to ask for a little politeness?
Just be real. If you hate the idea, tell me so. If you love it, tell me so. The sun will rise tomorrow morning regardless.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Fairy Bread
I'm a fermata...hold me!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Maybe it's the way people are
Today things are getting under my skin.
This is probably because I've spent my entire day doing 'industry' PR and being terribly nice to total strangers. This is why people hire me,-an odd propensity to speak to strangers as though we are already friends.
This has been quoted as a 'strength' of mine. The consequences are far-reaching though.
I spend my day pretending. Therefore the real friends become (in comparison) highly consequential. Which means I get disappointed. Which leads me back to the safe assumption that people are just no damn good.
Which is comforting. I can now go to bed with my walls well in place and my defenses fortified.
I can wake on the morrow with absolute confidence that the day will hold one disappointment or another. I will be pleasantly unsurprised. I will be strong again.
On the rare occasions that I let idealism rather than pragmatism inform my emotions, I whip myself silly for my stupidity. I like willful Naivete, but it just leaves one a little 'unprotected'. I will henceforth discuss the concept philosophically, rather than embracing/living it.
I may sound bitter. I assure you I'm not. Just a little greyer than I was yesterday. It's all about balance and self-control. What was it that Cam said? I shall show myself by hiding myself (sans beard, obviously:-). Things are simple when you have a fortress!
Monday, October 1, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
In the next 2 hours I will summon up the strength to go in to work for the last stretch. The strength will come from a can of 'V' and a nice bubble bath (whilst listening to the 'Pride and Prejudice' Soundtrack.) The bubbles will smell of Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Cinnamon.
When I come home I will have a comforting meal. Devilled vegan sausages, mash and cajun veges. When my tummy is happy, I will brew a huge pot of tea and settle down with Rutherford's 'The Forest' on the balcony. It will have stopped blowing a gale by then and will be a pleasant spring evening laced with the smells of Jasmine, Wisteria and Lavender.
I will not feel sorry for myself. I will not be jealous that mum and dad could afford to go to 'Dead Man Walking' and I couldn't. I will ignore the extremely drastic state of my finances and instead amuse myself planning thrifty but tasty meals for the next few days.
Tomorrow I will go for a walk, I will potter in the garden, I will make seitan and clean out my bedroom. The only music in my world will be what I choose to listen to. I will be able to use the energy I normally spend trying to motivate others to motivate and nurture myself. I will be quiet and calm and spend time watching the tiny birds in the snow-tree. I will chat to Nimue and play with her in the sunshine.
I will entertain vague hopes that my brother will find some time to spend with me soon. I will dream pleasant dreams and fall in love with my doona. I will Live, not just survive.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
9.15pm October 1993

Saturday, September 22, 2007
And in Dreams....
During the day, you wonder if people can detect the secret behind your smile. You notice men following your movements as though you have been marked by some invisible brand. You feel the langour creep up again as the sun soaks into your skin, and as you watch it dance over the river currents.
You find yourself wishing for sleep, and a mind that can be ordered to repeat pleasant dreams. You know it won't. You know you shouldn't wish it, but you do. And the wishing shimmers in your wake, marking you, changing you.
An odd thing, the human brain.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Two toes down, lots left to injure

Two days ago I began my 'get skinny for the wedding' regime. 6 months to go, I figured, gave me a reasonable (and sensible) time-frame for said project.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Whoa. I mean, 'I like big buts and I cannot lie...'
Apparently this is an adaptive mechanism for living in tropical climates. i.e the limbs remain lean and fast while the fat stores will see you through the 'dry' season when there is little to eat.
The future of the Australian female while global warming continues?
Is it just me or is that whole 'pointy' thing absolutely extraordinary? I love learning new things:-)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

Choice No.3. A nice new bottle of vodka to make my world-view prettier (at least momentarily)

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Oh lord, I have been accidentally thrust into a match-making morass.
I swore I would never have any part in this, EVER again.
But when someone asks me to describe Fellow X, I can't help but wax lyrical. This has some very bad consequences.
How does one stop 'enthusing' about a friend that deserves to be 'enthused' over?
If anyone mentions self-control I will hurl bilious chunks.
This is my pre-emptive apology for enthusing.
Erm....that's it.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Love went a-riding

Lovely lovely lovely new song.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Mill-wheel turns and the waters roar.
It's quite safe to take your shoes off on this path. In fact, do. Then your feet will feel the tickle of the thyme and chamomile that grows between the rocks.
What you're smelling is the Daphne to your right, and the wisteria that covers the front porch. If a breeze springs up you will be showered with tiny purple petals.
Now you can see the house more clearly. It's not large, but most available outside wall-space is covered with creeping something. The Wisteria you can't miss, it literally drips off the awning in almost obscene abundance. The red vine near the chimney is boston ivy. I love it, but unfortunately so do spiders. I always send Mr to trim it back as a result. Oh, stop for a minute. Just near the front step there is an enormous may bush. Stand under it. Now, grab a branch and shake. Trust me. It's snowing! I loved to this when I was a child, and the little white petals in your hair are sweet.
The blue and pink hydrangeas are in full bloom. I don't know how Mr manages to have both colours in the same garden bed, some mysterious PH balancing act known only to him. Ah well, let him have some secrets!
The porch is quite cool isn't it? I suspect the vines act as insulation. Over to the right there is where we most often eat breakfast. It's lovely in the dappled sunlight. The cushions on the chairs need replacing, but they're still comfortable. To the left is Mr's chair, yesterday's paper, an open paperback and a tea-mug. I have asked him to pick up after himself...sigh.
Come in, come in! Tea? Yes, I looove my kitchen too! Mr did most of it himself. I wanted it to look like something out of the Magic Faraway Tree, hence the countertops with rough bark edges and the old iron range complete with stone chimney and fire.
Yes, the herbs hanging above you are from the garden. I dug the onions about a week ago and just finished plaiting them. They are pretty aren't they? That's marjoram, thyme, lemon verbena, lavender, bergamot, golden rod,...oh, the odd looking pods? Love-in-a-mist/Devil-in-a-bush. Have some warm banana bread with that.
Would you prefer to drink that out the back?
Do you mind if I just grab some veges for dinner while we're here? I know it looks like a hodge-podge but this 'random' planting seems to confuse the bugs. Aren't the scarlet flowers on that bean trellis pretty? I think I like them more than the beans.
Cauliflower, Kale, Tomato, a couple of zucchini, a few leaves of the red-oak, lamb's ear, cos, butter...I just take leaves as I need them. Can you just have a squiz in that vine behind you and see if there's a decent sized cucumber? No, not that one, that's the kiwi,-the one with the little yellow flowers.
Now some Calendula flowers, borage flowers,, that's an heirloom tomato. It doesn't taste purple. Have one! Go on, nothing quite like a sun-warm tom straight from the vine.
That down there? That's the shed and music studio. Oh, the miniature version on the left is the chook-house. That huge tree hanging over the chooks is a quince. The blossoms are magnificent but I can't give away enough of the fruit! Take a basket home with you if you like. I've never really had the patience to make Jam.
Ohhh. That chill comes off the mountains at this time of afternoon. Time for a jumper pretty soon I think. We weren't sure about living this high up, but the bulbs love it. If you had come last week you would have seen more jonquils and daffodils,-they're past their best now and Mr is just itching to mow the lawn. He's not allowed until after the flowering season, of course.
Actually, he'll be home any minute. I should probably make a start on dinner. Would you like to stay? Nothing fancy I'm afraid, just Mash, roasted cauliflower, chick-pea burgers and ratatouille with a big salad.
My brother was over last week though and left a marvellous bottle of Pinot. We'll open it shall we? I'll light some candles and put some relaxing music on.
I'd love a hand with dinner,-thankyou! let's go in and see what we can create....
Monday, September 10, 2007
"Well, what the hell DO you want?!".....
(1) My own home. Must have large wooden kitchen and spacious bathroom as well as my 'piece of earth'.
(2) Roles in profesional musical theatre
(3) All my great friends happy, secure and not too far away
(4) some friggin' credit
(5) Enough money to buy the Ryuichi Sakamoto 'Wuthering Heights' soundtrack
(6) To have finished my course and consequently to be able to earn decent money
(7)For my little brother to be happy
(8) For my father to reverse his diabetes
(9) enough money to support my furry friends all over the world
(10) For Australia to substantially reduce their meat consumption and for some decent animal-rights laws to be passed.
(11) Just one halfway decent film role
(12) To have the time and means to study the Cello
(13) to travel to exotic climes
That's about it. Simple and predictable. Happy now?....
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Thankyou dearest:-)

No one can stop me...
I am a powet
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Father's Day Dinner
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sans imagerie...
I was all ready to post about the extreme beauty of the male back, but buggered if I can find any images. I googled and googled and googled some more. I was given 'stock' image of model (yawn), beetles with eggs on their backs and the back view of an obese male (call me shallow, but I don't find illness attractive).
So, calling all people who can actually use a computer (and don't just pretend like me), Pweeeease send me an image of a nice male back. No Fabio's, no body builders, just a nice male back (like the ones you see of an evening).
I will then photoshop and add arrows and explanations for (my) joy at this sight. This is mainly for Cam, but also because after my (admittedly half-arsed) search, there seems to be great dearth of 'back people' out there.
Have I got a fetish? ....whoohoo! How exciting! I'm really really left now!....
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Things That Make One's Heart Beat Faster

A spray of pear blossom in spring, covered with drops of rain; A hot fragrant bath, a silk robe, sweet-smelling skin and the breath of your lover; The muted hush of an audience as the lights go down; William Blake read by candlelight, The deep rumble of a man's voice, An evening chill in the open air laced with the faintest smell of jasmine, hot skin sliding into cool water, the accidental brush of fingertips, a storm aproaching over mountains; a skilled musician playing, a solitary man watching rain on his windows, walking over smooth stones in the fog; Wisteria blossoms falling in a light breeze; Epic battles and tales of hero's; a blank sheet of paper and something burning inside that wants to fill it; Wooden bookshelves piled high with well-read volumes; Horses unsaddled and running in the early morning; The flung spray and the blown spume and the seagulls crying; the song of the wolf; a father with his newborn baby; museums full of silence and shadow; mango juice trickling down your chin on hot summer nights, the muscles moving on a man's back as he swims alone; lychee nectar over shaved ice; an unexpected hand-written letter; Eyes that speak secrets; bare skin on sun-warmed rocks; the moment something changes; a solitary violin in a minor key; Ripe strawberries hidden under leaves; spider-webs glistening with dew; discovering a wild plum tree; the grace of a dancer; the notion that he's alone and thinking of you; a hint of warmth and fragrant skin beneath a suit, wood-fire smoke in the early evening; expensive Pinot in fine glass sipped alone while watching night fall; the solitary cry of a black cockatoo at sunset; bare feet on warm sand or cool soft grass; faces in firelight; overhearing soft forbidden sighs; walking alone in warm rain; the smell of chestnuts roasting outdoors beneath autumn trees; Eating warm passionfruit from the vine; drowning in Symphonic sound alone and in the company of hundreds; words that are not spoken; finding by accident old love-letters and reading them slowly; ruins and gnarled orchards; sleeping on crisp cotton sheets covered by a warm breeze; a man building a wooden house; the glint of fool's gold in a running stream; ripe tomatoes on the vine; poppies in a field of wheat; bathing in moonlight; the moment before he arrives; howling winds while buried under a soft quilt; autumn leaves crunching under boots; kissing in water; tea, turtlenecks and solitude.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
what old friends get up to....
Without being glib (and really, I have nothing but respect for this old friend), here are a few amusing Thai/English movie translations. They made me chortle,-hope they do the same for you! I should mention, that Stuart is quite an extraordinary linguist, and for those of you interested in foreign laguages, his website is nothing short of extraordinary;
(also linked on my sidebar)
Anyhoo, here's a few 'appetizers'
Original English
"Oh mother - damn! She shot at you with her eyes closed!"
Thai Subtitle
Poetic translation
Oh!.. Your stinky mother shot the door with her eyeballs that were closed on you
Original English
"Count Dooku" ( Star Wars : Episode II)
Thai Subtitle
Poetic Translation
Calculate Dokus
Damn well look at me when you calculate!
Original English
"Don't worry, I got your back."(War film)
Thai Subtitle
ไม่กังวล ฉันเอาหลังของคุณ
Poetic Translation
Fear not! I'm going to have you from behind.
Original English
"Mayday! Mayday!"
Thai Subtitle
วันแรงงาน! วันแรงงาน!
Poetic Translation
Labour Day! Labour Day!
Original English
"King of Gondor"
Thai Subtitle
เจ้าแห่งคอนโด!! (จาก LOTR)
Poetic translation
Lord of the Condominium
Original English
"May the Force be with you."
Thai Subtitle
Poetic translation
Sometimes you might be energetic
Original English
"Come on, man."
Thai Subtitle
Poetic translation
Come here in a male fashion
There are many more to amuse you on his site.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
0 Weddings..

Monday, August 27, 2007
stolen apples

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Miracle of Miracles...
Show Dates
Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 8:00 PM Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 2:00 PM Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 8:00 PM Friday, November 02, 2007 - 8:00 PM Saturday, November 03, 2007 - 2:00 PM Saturday, November 03, 2007 - 8:00 PM Sunday, November 04, 2007 - 2:00 PM
Please contact the Musical Society at for any further information.
Ticket Prices
A Reserve
Senior and Student
B Reserve
Senior and Student
Less 10% discount for groups of 15 or more.Children 16 and under: $20.00 A Reserve, and $15.00 B Reserve.
Who makes the cut?

Saturday, August 25, 2007
As happy as a pig in...