Some people may be a little tired of my lyrical waxings regarding my garden. Be that as it may, I have trotted forth with my lovely Christmas Camera (thankyou to Mr's Dad and Mum:-) and taken shots of the abundance that is the backyard of our Cottage.
And oh, the unutterable delight of fresh raspberries from your own canes! I have been a little piggy of late (hence the serious lack of berries in the picture), but I left that one on there long enough to capture the moment. It is now somewhere in my digestive tract.
Plums dripping, ripening, blushing in the cool sunlight, plums to be stewed, eaten straight from the tree, preserved in tall glass jars, packed into baskets for friends and family. Look at those mouth-watering little fellas. Can't wait to pick the first bushel. All orders should come in early...I'm a greedy woman.
Part of the enormous vege garden. The top bed has cucumber (apple and lebanese), scarlet runner beans (sprouting atm), broccoli (sprouting), tomatoes (oxheart and roma), the lower square bed is all celery (I use it a lot )and the round mound seedless watermelon (again, just sprouting). This is all right down the back of the garden.
So there you go. I did not take photos of my ballerina apple tree, my golden and standard marjoram, plain and variegated sage, thyme, pineapple sage, yarrow, parsley, basil, corn/squash beds, capsicum/basil/eggplant/salad greens beds, lavender hedge, pear tree, cherry tree, digitalis, windflowers or newly dug front garden bed (complete with a pink hydrangea named 'Cameron'....he insisted) but you know you're welcome to come up and have a wander in my little eden. Ooooooh I love my garden. I love sharing it with others even more, so just hop on the ol telephone and give me a little warning first.
Makes one glide to be a lav.
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