Two days ago I began my 'get skinny for the wedding' regime. 6 months to go, I figured, gave me a reasonable (and sensible) time-frame for said project.
So all fat is hereby banished. Simple sugars (and simple carbs) banished. Alcohol will only be consumed one night per week, and then in extreme moderation. Food will be eaten raw where possible. 3/4 of dinner plate will be full of salad, oats for brekkie, lots of water, and of course..the exercise regime.
I did a great deal of research and came to the conclusion that I'm not a 'sports' person, I hate the gym, and I prefer to exercise to music (of my choice). So the sensible thing seemed to be to put together a home regime using my own body-weight resistance (and Oh! How it resists!) with a 30 minute walk every day.
The first day I managed 125 crunches and my 1/2 hour walk.
The second day I only managed 75 crunches, and no walk:-( (Bloody work got in the way)
The third day (today) I got serious.
First: 50 crunches (achieved)
Second: 20 Hindu Squats (8 achieved)
Third: 20 Hindu push-ups (15 achieved)
Disappointed with myself, I accepted a trip out for tea with mum. Very wobbly walking. Very. My thigh muscles said 'Exercise is bad you dumb chit'. I gave them 'the look' and continued to ignore them. I had decided, however, that the walk was out of the question for the day.
Tea went well with lots of music/student conversation,then blammo, coming down the Ori stairs I slipped and fell. Bits of skin and blood now decorate the Ori's entrance and I have sprained my left big and second toes (not to mention a slight, but nonetheless painful decline in dignity).
I am now in the midst of lamenting my woeful fitness levels and the fact that my regime will be seriously hampered by Pain. Without the balance provided by my toes, I will be reduced to crunches only and possibly a sad hobble 'round the block. I also have rehearsals tonight (mainly dance!) and have 3 hours of teaching to do.
Poor me. If the world was fair I would hop onto the couch with a blankie, hot tea and 'Pride and Prejudice' while my sweet fiancee generally fussed over me.
Not fair! I bought the daisies. It's supposed to be good karma for me!
There is always the adjustment period when you start exercise; you know that. Push through and you'll feel better in a couple of weeks (and you may even find it all too easy for you and intensify your routine).
ReplyDeleteI remember going to Canberra and jogging for the first time (some other students invited me). It was the single most painful experience of my life. By the end of the five weeks I was doing half hour jogs easily, and thinking I was hot shit for being able to.
Yoga is really good too, and not typical 'gym' exercise, plus you can do it to music.
Congratulations! Also, it doesn't matter so much what you do each day, so long as you keep doing it.
ReplyDelete(also, remember that sex (depending on position etc) can easily count as half an hour of cardiac/aerobic plus some body-weight-resistance type exercise)
Yes, I know:-) However, today EVERYTHING is screaming!! I've doe my crunches but my thighs feel like they've been flayed!
ReplyDeleteThose Hindu squats are evil!!
lol McKinley,-Brett's new best friend:-)