This may seem an odd thing to be thinking about, but I was watching '60 Minutes' tonight whilst having dinner, and they aired a story on circumcision.
To cut, or not to cut? This question may become very very important to me in the next couple of years. What if I have a boy?
This from Westmead Children's Hospital;
Very few boys need circumcision for medical reasons. However, recurrent infections under the foreskin (balanitis), or abnormal tightness of the foreskin (phimosis) may lead to the operation being recommended. If you think that your boy has a medical reason for circumcision, discuss this with your doctor. Usually foreskin problems can be treated without the need for an operation.
From what I can gather, Doctors recommend against circumcision unless serious problems develop. The problem is that it becomes more and more traumatic and less able to be forgotten as time passes. Horrible story about a boy who had to be circumcised at age 7 (with accompanying stitches/removal etc).
Brett has vague notions about a boy and his father being the same, but I question how much time they will really spend looking at each other's todgers...I mean, seriously,-is that what Fathers and Sons do?
Then there's the argument that this operation is performed without the child's knowledge, understanding or consent. OK, wouldn't that be just about everything that happens to a baby? You don't not vaccinate your child because they can't request that you stop. You don't choose food based on your baby's preferences, but make studied decisions based on nutrition and medical advice.
OK, so I think I stand on the side of 'No Cut' but I pray pray pray that my son never has a serious UTI, balanitis or phimosis. Apparently normal hygiene generally means the we trouser snake will be OK, but who ever knew a little boy who likes to shower carefully every day?
I haven't made up my mind at all. that was a blatant lie,-sorry. Any feedback from the male population here, very gratefully received.
The need for circumcision is negligible, and the risk of your child getting recurrent infections to a degree that requires circumcision is very low. Phimosis is normal in young males but usually resolves as they get older. I guess if it hasn't resolved by the teen years perhaps circumcision may be in order. All in all, the need to (medically) circumcise shouldn't worry you at all. Watch for smegma, though.
ReplyDeleteIn regions where HIV is endemic (e.g. Africa), circumcision on a population level is recommended because it is believed that the virus more easily penetrates through the soft underside of the foreskin tissue.
However, leaving the tip on is apparently better for both your son and his partner in terms of fireworks in the sack. The glans remains highly sensitised in uncircumcised individuals, and apparently they feel much more pleasure during sex. Also, I remember reading an article by some American academic who believed the foreskin was actually made to stimulate the female during sex. She believed this so much that her sexual partner got foreskin reattachment surgery. So your son's future partner will thank you!
Found the article...
I personally far prefer a man to be uncircumcised, but of course, I will not be sleeping with your son, so it's not really relevant (sorry for the creepy). So long as he's taught how to clean his penis properly, I don't think it's a problem. And he *can* choose to have the operation done later in life - Hugo Shwyzer (the feminist preacher) did, and said he had no problems. It's true that circumcised men have a lower risk of contracting an STD, and so maybe there's an argument for it in countries with massive HIV infection rates, especially because those countries also have limited access to condoms, but your son will presumably be growing up in Australia, and will have good comprehensive sex education.
ReplyDeleteAs for 'he ought to look like his father' I dunno, isn't that a bit... like calling your son Brett Junior?
'Watch for Smegma'.....Ick! Don't want to! (Ever post something in one mood and the read it the next day with a weaker stomach?....yup)
ReplyDeleteI'm ot convinced about the whole 'uncircumcised men enjoy sex more' argument. It's not exactly quantifiable:-) Sounds to me like boys competing again; "I enjoy sex more", "No, I do"....
As to the foreskin giving females more pleasure...hmmm, having had both (gawd, the things you write), I still prefer a man who's completed 'Clitoris 101'.
And McKinley, -I am still laughing at the idea of you sleeping with my son:-) And the odd places our brains go when we're formulating an argument:-)
Incidentally, what are the dates, costs, and contact number for tickets to Fiddler?
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of possible hits at Westmead hospital.
Well, I'll be making the cut.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is obviously a tough one, with even the experts on the topic (on both sides of the fence)using emotive hyperbole in many of their statements.
As for me, I just think foreskins are gross (and every girl I've asked, as well as my gay male friend, agree wholeheartedly).
And, as for Cam's comments regarding proficiency in the bed, I can't say I've had any complaints.. ;-)
So yeah, my boys will be having the snip... but that's a couple of years off still :)