Yay Yay Yay! and whoo-hoo! 3 degrees of Gerard Butler (does happy spinny dance).
Though the various and never-ending wonders of the Facebook application that I was shamelessly peer-pressured into using, The marvellous and yummilicious Gerry moves ever closer to my midnight realm...Mwah hah hah:-)
To anyone that thinks I'm being horribly disloyal to my fiancee, Hah! We've already discussed such things and Gerry's my 'Get out of jail free' card. Never fear, Maggie Gyllenhall has the great honour of being Brett's:-)
To those uninitiated: The 'Get our of jail free' system is designed to allow one a substantial celebrity crush that in the unexpected and unlikely event of 'actual possibility' will be summarily ignored by your partner. In our system, this does not include sex, but could include the following
* Deep and soul-searching conversation
* Kissing
* A little bit more intense kissing
* Roaming hands
* Offers of co-starring roles in next film...etc
I think it's quite jolly and progressive actually, AND nearly all couples have their own version of it, so I'm very normal actually.
Also, it should be mentioned that our celebrities are pretty obvious analogues of each other (just richer/skinier/more famous/better teeth). Gerard, tall, scruffy, bearded, 'phwoooor' rather than 'handsome',; Maggie; more famous brother(!), white skinned, dark haired, blue eyed, indie type.
See how well-adjusted we really are? Now, if Brett had chosen Scarlett Johansen I would have had issues. -Admittedly the system isn't perfect=P
So, all you Gerry tarts out there,-read 'em and weep 3 DEGREES, that's right. Ha Ha!
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