What is it with me and money? I watched Oprah. She assured me that if I 'followed my heart' wealth would come as easily as a man who hasn't had any for 2 months.
So, mum and I came up with the 'great' idea of 'masterclases' in weeks 3, 6 and 9 of the schoold term for exam candidates (and anyone else who has a vague notion that they might actually like to affect and audience at some stage).
Masterclass No1: 3 students
Masterclass No2: 2 students (one didn't pay)
Between us, we have over 40 students.
So, this morning, aching with cramps and very weary after not sleeping due to the aforementioned, I turn up with loaded brain, tons of resources and energy that mystically comes from nowhere.
I spend 3 hrs with these people.
I dance around like a monkey on speed, hoping that my energy is contagious.
Worse, I had to repeat endlessly in 'new and stimulating' ways. One of these 'students' has had about 5 hours of intensive training on his song.(Me, Brett and Mum)-Between us, BCA, Assoc Dip.Dram. Art. A.Mus.A, L. Mus.A. A.T.C.L, F.T.C,L. Dip.Ed.
Guess what? NOTHING, You would think we had never said a word. 5 hours of blocking, history character development, vocal production, physicality...NOTHING.
Why the cuck do I bother? No Money, no freakin' satisfaction. No MINDS that work.
Apparently 'follow your heart' is only sensible if your 'heart' is in investment banking.
Maybe it's a feng shui thing. May 'left corners' are sadly neglected. I have no money tree. I don't like green and purple combined in anything but violets, primulas and grapes (and none of these grow readily in the left coner of my living room)
So, feng feck yourself. I'm tired of constant effort and no money left to buy a bottle of wine. I'm tired of people. I'm tired of justifying 'the arts' to people who will never care.
I'm weary of sacrifice. I click my ruby slippers, 'There's no place like home' and I find the only people in the goddam universe who seem to give a damn.
Feng shui means 'wind water', so I think you should start hosing down the students and then fanning them before starting the lesson.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, follow your heart and you'll be wealthy is a load of pig crap, unless you consider wealth in that metaphysical 'worldly wealth' way.
I've been trying to inspire the boy who works with me at Network to read more. He's 15 and asked me how to spell 'sigh', plus his vocab is hopelessly inadequate. I'm talking he gets confused between 'require' and 'acquire'. He wants to be an architect, and I tell him English is the only subject compulsarily included in his HSC score. Yet each week he still tells me he hasn't started. This has been going on since the beginning of the year.
Perhaps the art of forcing yourself to walk uphill is a skill learnt when one is older and more able to appreciate the top of the mountain?
whoa. That was quite Zen (the whole walking up the mountain metaphor)-closet Buddhist:-) There's the problem. You're right. You don't appreciate the value of learning until you're well past your best information acquisition years! Perhaps we should re-think schooling entirely. Let kids do as they please until they're about 18 and then (the ones who survive)offer them an education. Yay. Cath for Prime-Minister! Populatio control and intellectual satisifaction in one easy policy:-)