Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hermit Days

OK. I am shit at communication in general. I have been upbraided and am suitably chastised. This big ol world is just full of stuff that needs my attention and so occasionally I 'zone out'. Every now and then 'stuff' is just too much and I spend my days having bubble baths, listening to music that makes me weep at its beauty, walking amongst trees and cooking fabulous things.
This does not make me one of the 'popular' people, to say the least.
I decided a good time ago that 'quality of life' was far better than quantity. I have been a hermit-type for many years. My heart got all broke and I discovered this particular part of myself.
I also discovered that people hate this about me. Quite the connundrum.
For now, I ask patience from those willing to give it, and send a big 'screw you' to everyone else. You want a happy Cath? Let me have my peace so I can find her somewhere amidst this maelstrom.

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