Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rik and such

Well, kids shows certainly keep me busy and preoccupied. We've had two weekends of record audiences and lots of jolly punters. I have been quite busy organising front of house and generally doing what no one else in the company seems available to do.

Mr got quite huffy and demanded that someone else take the load off my shoulders, but so far the response has been lukewarm.

Fair enough. It's not their tragedy.

It takes big moments to sort out who gives a shit either way.

So now it's very very late and I should be sleeping, but I seem to have manic energy closely followed by extreme exhaustion. I'd get drunk but there's no one to get drunk with. Everyone else has important stuff to do too.

Quite amazing this life. You can weep your soul out and get a wee pat from others. You can have a minor tragedy and receive dozens of offers of help.

I think I may advertise a minor tragedy and see if I can turn it all around for my own sake.

Weird times. This morning I cleaned old prawn heads and watched a hungover groom attack a colleague. I also carried heavy flats and talked about shopping for vibrators. I smiled lots and lots and kept my wound hidden.

I wil continue to do this, although I'm not convinced it is the healthiest way to deal with stuff.


  1. Ditto 'bout the wound thing, except you seem better than I am about keeping it secret.

    I feel bad having moved away from weekly visits, but unfortunately was a necessary move.

    See you this weekend!

  2. Well hon, let's compare wounds one day and try to find some peace for all concerned.
