Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blue Mist

Because I can, I bought 4 new books this week.
'The Tuesday Erotica Club' by L B Kovetz
'Making History' by Stephen Fry
'Here on Earth' by Alice Hoffman
'Playing with Water' by Kate Llewellyn.

I have read the first two, and am eagerly looking forward to the others. When I buy books in bulk, a general rule of thumb applies. If the first two are great, I have a good book-choosing expedition. The first two were great.
Odd the things you find in second-hand books. A train ticket from Ingleburn used as a bookmark and a religious tract used as another.
The religious tract was in 'The Tuesday Erotica Club'....I giggled enough to make the $9 very very worthwhile.
All of these little gems were discovered at the 'Blue Mist cafe' in Wentworth Falls. It is the second-hand bookshop I would have set-up in another life. This is extremely handy as I spend very little time perusing shelves before various excited squeals emanate from me. So anyone who has exactly the same taste in books as I do should most definately visit:-) Mr wandered a little forlornly due to a serious absence of Sci-Fi titles, but I hit the Jackpot time and time again:-)
Even better, on weekends, the 'bookshop' is opened as a cafe, so you can have tea and yummy things and gaze longingly at great books. Word to the non-mountains types, there is no ATM in the falls,-bring cash.
I was particularly pleased to add another Fry and another Llewellyn to my collection. Adore them both to pieces. Kate might as well be me, and Stephen is the me I could have been (if I were a genius gay male). Adorable.

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