Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Roses and Hearts

I really really dislike Valentine's day. I mean really. It makes me ill to consider the huge amounts of money spent by couples and singles who have been told by the retail monsters of our world that this day is one in which love is to be measured directly by financial outlay.

It will be an astonishingly normal day for me I'm afraid. I'm cleaning the cottage (it looks alot like a fabric sweat-shop), cooking a curry for dinner and then popping down to work.
This post is my only nod to Valentine's day. And it is such a wee nod, it may look like I'm just stretching...

I've been keeping myself busy though. I have completed the squares for my first Rainbow quilt and am now in a quandry as to which small human will get the first one. I am also (much to my own amusement) going to a quilting class on Saturday morning. Having looked about I have concluded that my imagination is adequate but tht my technique is woefully inadequate. So the Singer and I will go and make some new friends and try to figure all this out.

I also bought some gorgeous asian brocade fabrics in various reds and blues, having always wanted to have a bedpsread of brocade. I started on one for Mr last night and discovered that brocade is a very tricky fabric indeed. Slippery and willful. I hope the grand dames of quilting have some advice for me on this one. I will be very disappointed if I can't have my blue brocade bedspread.

Here's a couple of the wonky red ones I attempted last night. True quilters may want to turn away. I am certain that these are a travesty.


I also received the 'Wedding Service' outline from our minister today and this has sent me back into panic mode. Having just had a few days of it though, I am better able to deal with the rising panic. It's become quite the familiar friend. It feels terrible though that everyone is more excited than me. My life will not change immensely you see. Everything will be pretty much the same except for my legal marital status. The house will still be a pig-sty on a regular basis, I will still spend the vast majority of my life broke, Mr will still snore like an express train, I will have to clean the toilet, b;ah blah. I will have another expensive piece of jewellery on my hand but that's not something I crave. Even my name will not change (although that is a matter of choice:-). One wonders exactly why we're spending this amount of money...

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