So, it's this kind of a day.

My favourite:-) So, despite feeling somewhat 'under the weather' there are things that just
must be done on days like today.
Firstly, I will mention the fact that I resume the music teaching term this afternoon, so it is imperative that I fit fun, indulgent, creative stuff in this morning (obviously)...
Sleep in. When you wake, don't bolt out of bed, just lie around listening to the rain and the purring meow for a while. Let your brain wander dozily in and through as many fantasy-scapes as you feel necessary. Stretch your limbs lazily, take time to admire your legs and the curve of your hip. Search for pictures in the bizarre grain of old wooden wardrobe. I found a geisha leaning over to look at something and a renaissance woman in outlined portrait as well as a shocked teddy bear.
Allow rumbling tummy and taste buds to dictate breakfast options.

Vegan breakfast Pizza. God bless super-melting cheezely, seitan 'salami' and smoked paprika. At this stage one is to avoid any nagging feelings of guilt regarding fat-content of breakfast. One can go back to porridge, fruit and soymilk tomorrow.

Lay out Dad's quilt, which is actually beginning to look like a quilt and ponder the chocolate sashing. Does it need embroidery or is the centre design busy enough? Would random applique patches work? Allow these thoughts to simmer on a low rolling boil whilst you pop off to the kitchen to cut up Vegan fetta that you made yesterday.
This is at the 'raw' stage. Boil up some brine , pour it over your cubes and allow to sit in the fridge for a couple of days. keep checking the level of saltiness until you are happy with the flavour. Drain cubes of brine and repack bottle with rosemary, garlic cloves and red chilli and oil. Use at will.
Ponder Bryanna Grogan's brilliance at coming up with recipe. Think happy thoughts about the Greek Salads you will now be able to indulge in once more. Resolve to serve said salad to Lydgate at first available opportunity with fresh oven-warmed sourdough.
Having indulged in creativity for a couple of hours, bite the bullet and do the washing up and the vacuuming and give the loo a scrub. Apply makeup, whip up a fried rice for dinner tonight and trot off to teach.
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