Things feel a little better I think. That or I'm so used to feeling panicked it has become a norm. I have launched myself body and soul into quilting and teaching and studying and cleaning my very very nasty house. Doing something,anything, is a very good way to stave off anxiety.
I have found some new inspirations for my fabric affairs and am champing at the bit to get started on them. Mind you, I still don't know how to 'quilt' (the teacher didn't tell me last saturday). I can design and sew fabrics together in any manner of exciting patterns but it's putting the quilty stuff in and doing the backing/sashing/binding etc. This is what I need to know. I'm a little tetchy that I paid for the class and wasn't immediately told everything I need to know.
Well, lovely lovely day to myself today. This means I get to enjoy leisurely breakfast (achieved), surf a little (doing), sew more rows onto mum's colourwash quilt, design the herbal applique that will be added to her quilt, border Tiger's quilt, clean kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms and cook steamed veges and gravy for dinner. I know I haven't mentioned gardening in a while but that's because the grass needs mowing and is long and itchy and full of spiders that are out to get me. When Mr takes care of the lawn I will go out and remedy certain desperate situations, but not before.
To help all this along I am listening to a gorgeous CD of 16th and 17th C galliards etc that mum bought me as a surprise pressie. It is so very jolly! Perfect music to play while guests are milling before the wedding.
I only wish I had alread made and mastered the 'Audrey-Dress'. Then I would have the whole shebang. Oh lord of dressmakers, please send me the confidence to try this dress-pattern out? I really want it very badly.
I only wish I had alread made and mastered the 'Audrey-Dress'. Then I would have the whole shebang. Oh lord of dressmakers, please send me the confidence to try this dress-pattern out? I really want it very badly.
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