I love my maid-of-honour. She is simply brilliant. She has come up with the perfect outfit for the wedding ,-one that is beautiful, elegant, pagan-esque and guaranteed to make those fond of straight-lacing gasp. All in all, a much desired outcome:-)

See, now I'm having fun which was the whole bleedin' point!
Good thing Lydgate will be there as best man, we may have a couple of PACE calls when various in-laws behold the bridal party....he he
This summer I'll be a maid of honor. Man of honor, we'll be calling it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about weddings, never had one of my own to compare it to, but I'll be wearing a tux with the bride's colors and giving a toast.
Anything else I should be doing?
Oh lord, you shouldn't ask me, -I have little to no idea about wedding 'do's' and 'dont's'! I think you're supposed to arrange the hen's/does night and generally be a rock on the morning/day. I'm not having a 'night' so my girl has an easy time of it:-) Good luck with yours, I like the idea of a 'Man of Honour'...mixes things up enough to satisfy:-)
ReplyDeleteLucky for me the other bridesmaids are handling that.
ReplyDeleteSee, the other bridesmaids are her sisters and I suspect she couldn't fairly choose among them for MOH so she chose me.