Pilaf obsession central. All out, all change.
I made another one from the same book. This one is called 'Green Pilaf' and uses brown rice, fennel seeds, cashew nuts, lemon juice and baby spinach leaves.
Spectacular stuff! And (drumroll)..no fat! that's right, none. Nada, Zip.
Just before serving you fold through fresh mint and continental parsley which really lifts it and gives it that marvellous 'green' taste (I should have said 'primavera'...it sounds so much more chef-y).
You could evil it up with butter etc, but the point of this one is that great, fresh, lemony, herby zing. Cheese and/or butter would make it too rich methinks. Having said that, half the point of food is to experiment, so please do if you need to.
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