Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quitting, babies, IVF and making the best of it.

It's a "Spring thing", I'm sure of it.
Statistically speaking, more people make large changes in their lives during spring than in any other season. So, the risk of repeating myself, Monday (tomorrow) is the day of saying goodbye to the cigarettes, the day of getting our bodies healthy for IVF treatment in January, the day of saving cigarette $$ towards new house and most importantly, the day of reclaiming myself.
Uni is finished for the year so I quite literally only have to worry about going to work and coming home each day.
The major reduction in stress-load should mean I have time to clean, to cook, to garden and to walk...this is the plan at least...
This afternoon I shall remove all uni materials from sight, re-make beds, and clean the house. It's not nearly as much fun in this abode though. In the marvellous old days of being "Burra-folk" cleaning the house and cooking was sheer unadulterated pleasure. Here, it's something that has to be done. period.
Oh how I yearn for our old house and garden. It's a grief.
This garden must be fought with every inch of the way. No beautiful surprises in the garden. What is there is only there because I put it in. No surprise saffron-caps in autumn, no pear-tree theatre, no enormous garden beds bursting forth with veges and vines. No, I am not happy in this property. I don't sparkle and there is no room for quilting, entertaining, or quiet contemplation. There is no fire, no gently sloping garden curves, no happpiness.
Perhaps this is what they call "despair"...?

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