Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Like a flag unfurled

I have the theme music of 'Against the Wind' running around my brain like a naughty toddler. Just when I think it's asleep it pops up again. In other news the 'i' on my keyboard now requires pressing with approxmately twice as much pressure as every other key to get it to work.
I cleaned the cottage for the inspection that never happened and I suspect I'm being frozen out due to non-attendance at fund-raising gala thingy. This is highly unfair as reason for non-attendance was financial. Now resent freezing people for expecting me to part with my last $20 rather than use it to get to work as I must.
I have exactly 6 days of teaching left before holidays and am going to mark them down with a big aggressive red permanent marker. I am going to bed tonight seriously worried that trees will fall through my roof due to gale force winds howling about outside.


  1. Are you planning to go to this 1813 original piece of work at Joan Sutherland?

  2. Hmmm, I think I put myself down as a 'maybe'. You?
