Sunday, March 1, 2009


After a delicious weekend roaming Kangaroo valley and surrounds I returned home to have my faith in humanity (such as it is) challenged again.
A distressing message from a web-friend detailing her sudden encounter with apparently pointless, obsessive dislike.
This friend is a blogger-extraordinaire. An enormously talented observer of the human condition with a quicksilver mind and a pen that drips honey. I don't always agree with her ruminations, but always appreciate the finesse with which she ruminates:-)
Her new nemesis has taken such a dislike to her online warblings that he or she has set up a whole website dedicated to smug villification. I reluctantly read said site (something about 'better the devil you know' motivation), and was disgusted by both the ridiculously bad writing and the peurile attempts to out-master and out manouver.
If my gut didn't know better, I would assume this site to have been set up and written by a young teenager, -such is the 'playground politics' nature of the attacks posted. This patently bored and obsessive individual has no skill with words, and less with subtlety.
It seems outrageous to me that this person could even consider themselves worthy to be in the same boxing-ring. But then arrogance and stupidity often stroll easily hand in hand grinning smugly at all and sundry.
Even more disturbing was the sudden venom spat by seeming 'friends' over (IMHO) rather innocuous comments about Train-Drivers. What the?!!
The words 'witch-hunt' spring to mind. A great big part of my 'need for justice' wants to seek out these hobbled fools and bring them out from under their slimy rock and into the harsh light of exposure. But knowing such types, this would only fuel their egomaniacal quest for attention.
Saddest of all are the attacks on my respected bloggers education. It's the old (and not very creative) 'You-went-to-Uni-so-you're-a-snob' chestnut. Puhleaase.
I know, it doesn't even warrant a response.
This makes two such cowardly attacks on friends/acquaintances in the past 6 months. What is going on? Are people really that bored/frightened/threatened/directionless that they must indulge in pointless attack? Stupid question. Of course they are, and always have been. Scale is irrelevant.
Note to said people; why not fight for something other than your own ego? Sharks are being killed up and down the coastline from purely neanderthal fear-responses and we're letting it happen. We are fucking with the ocean food-chain on a massive scale and forgetting that 70% of our oxygen is created by the delicate balance of the waters. If you knock out all the top predators, what do you expect will happen? Do you think the oceans will find a magical balance?
Then there's human rights, thousand of animals slaughtered inhumanely every minute keeping the third world starving and water usage beyond the pale, african women still suffering from fistula and no money to help them, the Murray-Darling in constant and severe crisis, animal experminents still performed by pharmaceutical and tobacco industries, childhood obesity on the rise, domestic abuse of women on the rise, rape, murder, torture, racial hatred....pick one...just ONE! If activism aint your thing, why not try to educate yourself further? There aren't enough doctors, nurses, one knows how to grow their own food, children are growing up with no idea where a potato comes from. Introduced weeds clog our bushland. Fire victims need constant hep and support. Your local arts industry is choking on bueraucracy and apathy, your painters, writers, scultors and musicians are not creating anymore.
Get of your whining selfish pedestal and make a goddam difference in the world before you start attacking someone who does.


  1. Holy calamity! That's some high quality venting. I sincerely hope no trolls find their way over to you.

  2. If they do they'll find a VERY gruff billygoat indeed.
