I have spent all morning giving myself a plate-shifting mega-migraine. This is easily achieved. Simply sit down and try to create a 'Wedding Production Schedule'.
I have created one but I doubt it's very useful. One should at least give wedding party members some kind of schedule to blithely ignore though.
In other news, Mr mowed the lawn for me this morning like a good little muffin. Points awarded. I made Samurai soup and Chilli Spring Onion rice in quantities that would frighten even dedicated catering companies (v.good plan though =no cooking/thought/planning needed for 3 days at least. Am v.v.clever). Heading out to 75 billionth dress-fitting this evening (blergh) and am smoking too much. I am nervous and anxious, so sue me. May do zombie makeup on self before fitting just for fun. Seamstress will surely be chuffed with outstanding creativity and whacky sense of fun. Seamstress may be less pleased with fake blood spilled on expensive and time-consuming work-of-art that is wedding dress. Seamstress may care less if plied with substantial amounts of alcohol...will consider.
My cat is cute.

She was sleeping on my bed when Mr unceremoniously dumped a pile of clean washing on her. She looked around a little and went straight back to sleep. Funny little umerow pudding:-)

She was sleeping on my bed when Mr unceremoniously dumped a pile of clean washing on her. She looked around a little and went straight back to sleep. Funny little umerow pudding:-)
Cuteness is the super power of the cats.