Finished the quilt top for the Tiger-Muffin!

All that remains is to bind and back and 'quilt' (see funny wavy patterns on red bits done with mysterious magical 'quilting foot' that looks like a swiss-army-knife and has yet to be purchased).
Next project to complete is mum's Colour-wash with applique poppies. Some serious miscalculations have resulted in some fairly dodgy 'repair' work needing to be done, but I think I can pull it off.
See what I mean? A bit 'oopsy' on the amount of squares in each row for starters....(that's Mr's foot top-right,-doesn't let silly quilting endeavours stop him playing 'Destroy all Humans' on his PS2). Please tell me this can be saved?! That's way too much fabric and money to have to scrap. I am planning to applique though...maybe I can 'cover' mistake bits with conveniently placed poppies?

You can definitely cover up any problems with applique. The background will become secondary to the applique blooms. I love poppies. I wish I had the patience to hand applique.
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't really have the patience, but it helps when you're making gifts for loved ones. Every minute/hour is just a bit more "I love you":-)