What I have done is cook a real 'boy' meal for poor old Mr (who has been slaving over a hot stove for the past couple of weeks while I do my 'raw' thing. So here it is, Seitan steaks, kumera mash and cajun veges with gravy. You should have seen his face light up:-)

In other news, this is the first place I've ever lived that has a 'holy' loo.

Mr (bless his holey socks) has been working out. We have decided that his man-boobs look less 'booby' and that his sweet tummy is disppearing. He is worried about his 'love handles' but I never noticed that he had them in the first place. I think he's just about perfect. It just tickles me that he's working so hard to be gorgeous for our wedding (whilst being simultaneously annoyed that he has lost 2kg in a week). Mr's diet plan goes like this;
(1) eat 100g of crisps every night instead of 250g
(2) do 15 push-ups and 25 crunches of a morning
(3) Eat meals loaded with fat and carbohydrate at 10pm+
My regime?
(1) raw foods all day (fruit, wheatgrass, spirulina, salad)
(2) walk miles and miles in baking sun
(3) watch scales obsessively
-Guess who's having more fun?.....
Mind you, he didn't screw up his metabolism at 15. Ah yes, the diet-monster strikes very early in girls. This results in bodies that are taught, whilst still forming, that they will be starved and therefore tend to hoard fat at any and every given opportunity. I even went on some insane 'Orange Diet' at 13. Nothing but oranges for 10 days. I dropped 5 kgs and screwed up my metabolism beautifully. I didn't care. I was skinny.
Censorious types may be thinking 'Why the hell would any parent let their 13 year old daughter do such an insane thing?!'. Many girls have mothers (in fact, most). Mothers tend to control family diet. Mothers have similr body-dysmorphia issues as their daughters. My mum was undiagnosed, but certainly borderline anorexic until she was married (and for quite some time afterward, judging by early photos).
Anyhoo, on a lighter note, here is Mr's changing form for your perusal:

I know he looks a little 'bunny-in-headlights' in this shot, but....awwwwwwww:-)
Well, that's it for me today. Fires in the valley, raw diet intact and working, childhood diets picked apart and an afternoon of work to get through tomorrow before the delicious and highly anticipated 4-day Easter weekend. I may be the only woman in the world not worried about missing out on chocolate...don't really like it much (excepting Josophan's Mayan Chilli cups...very very good, but I won't fret!)
Why was I not up there to eat that meal!!! Nooooo...
ReplyDeleteWhat is your work regime this weekend? We may be able to procure you simialr gustatory delights....
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I'm going to Oberon for my grandmother's 85th birthday. I may be back for Sunday night dindins though?
ReplyDeleteWe can certainly do that:-)Give us a buzz when you're on your way and I'll whip sumpin' up for you:-)