Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 9

It is too hot for me by far! (about 30 degrees outside today). This is supposed to be autumn dammit, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Having had that little grizzle for the day, today has been lovely. My little brother arrived home from Oxford last night and we've just been up to the Everglades for tea and scones (well, mum and he had scones,-I didn't...obviously:-). It was nice to have a chance to kind of 'run' him through the wedding plans at the venue. He was a tad distracted due to making life-altering decisions minutes beforehand, but suffered mine and mum's clucking about weddings with very good grace.

Sir Andrew (Peacock) also made an appearance which was marvellous,-I haven't seen him in years. The marvellous manager also informed us that Sir Andrew and his hen have just had five chicks!! Mind you, apparently they are unable to live together. He nests in the pines across the road and she hangs out at the golf course. Fair enough, if my significant other was that good looking, I'd probably hole myself away too:-) His new tail feathers are just starting to come through so should be in full magnificence in a month. I hope he graces us with his presence on the day because I suspect he and Millie will go together beautifully (she's wearing a peacock saree).

I have instructed mum to scatter some seeds about while she's decorating in the morning to encourage his presence. I do wish I were one of those independently wealthy ladies of leisure,-I had a lemon verbena tea that was made with fresh leaves grown on the property and it occurred to me that growing other herbs in their beautiful herb garden (chamomile, rosehip, peppermint, yarrow, licorice, hibiscus etc), drying them and serving them would be a nice little earner for the National Trust. Small packets could be sold at the cafe or gift shop. Maybe I shoud put that thought on hold until I retire:-)

We also popped down to the Glades to show Gavin where the reception would be and wasted a pretty hour watching falling leaves dance in the breeze and listening to the brook gurgle merrily. This really will be the prettiest wedding! There is such a wonderful feeling of serenity in a well tended garden. I hope all my guests feel as peaceful as I do when I'm there. I want everyone to be relaxed and happy and to just soak in the autumn colours and views. Calm, serene, full of love and topped off with a fiddler playing country tunes.

Hmmm, don't like that photo,-makes me look fat:-) I still have a-ways to go with the pre-wedding weight loss! All is well though. I have lost 3 kgs so far and I'm sure the rest will follow. I'm certainly not doing any kind of 'Gourmet' raw. Most days I eat pretty much the same thing (which according to Dr McDougall and other vegan weight loss experts is a good thing!), Breakfast smoothie, lunch salad, dinner salad, tonnes of water and a couple of pieces of fruit during the day as snacks....oh and celery with vegemite if I have salt cravings (which generally happens when Mr opens a bag of crisps while watching TV of an evening). I am being cautious though and taking a B12 supplement once a week. My dressmaker growled at me when I turned up for my last fitting, but is happy to leave all the final darting for the week before, enabling me to lose as much as I can without having the dress hanging on me like a sack...bless her:-)

If this loss keeps up I may actually enjoy my wedding-night. I know it's very personal but (from memory) sex is a lot more fun when you can glory in your own body as much as his. When one is heavy, you do feel that the poor bugger is kind of 'putting up with' your form. Once upon a time someone told me I was a 'magnificent creature',-think I'd kinda like to hear that again:-) ...now Mr will read this post and tell me that immediately thereby completely missing the point:-) So, to close today's little rant I'm posting a photo of my beautiful mother in front of the windflowers at the Everglades. Very pretty woman my mum:-)

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