Yep, adding fruit was definately the way to go. Not just palatable but yummy:-) Excuse me for a second, just going to go and get myself another glass...Here you go, take a a green frothy cappuccino of goodness!!

Damn, I forgot to do that turny-aroundy thing when I was downloading it from my camera. It is quite pretty though don't you think? Unless you have an aversion to ingesting green things (which a vast amount of people in today's society do for some reason).
Here's a gorgeous photo of my ginger-liles in the newly-mown backyard of the cottage. The look spectacular and the smell!'s like gardenias but lighter and fruitier. I wish to have the fragrance bottled so I can bathe in it.

Dammit! I need to staple "Fix photos on downlaod!" to my forehead. Many apologies if you develop a crick in the neck from reading this post. I accept and assume no responsibility in this area.
Now, I know these two are the right way up:
First of all we have the beans growing at by back step. Yay! I don't even care if they fruit quite frankly,-I think the leaves on beans are gorgeous heart-shaped affairs that just make me unaccountably merry! Secondly is a shot of some litle fellas I've been waiting very patiently for ever since we moved in; Japanese windflowers. There are, as yet, only a few blooms out, but I'm delighted to find that they're bi-coloured petals (deep purple and pink). I actually hadn't seen that before. I was kind of hoping for white, but these strange little hybrids really are delightful.

The only downside to today is the fact that I have to go in to work for four hours for another teacher who is 'ill' (hmm, down with a case of mid-term-itis methinks). I'm trying to see it as a good thing. I need the money, and it will force me to walk down to Lawson to catch the train. I know it doesn't seem ike much but 4 hours of private music teaching with no break is quite the thing to get through. However, every time I feel like complaining I think of Lydgate's 11 hr-without-a-break stints and feel fortunate.
Mr has a fitting this evening for his wedding suit. I'd best leave him a note or he'll forget to go.
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