Remember relaxing drive to waterfall with Mr. Remember gorgeous picnic on spongy grass and the sheer bliss of having him all to yourself for a fortnight.
( as well as the above) 1 large white onion, finely diced, leaves and stalks of 1/2 bunch of celery (top half), 3 L Massel Chicken Stock.
Soften onions in a little stock and add sauce/spice mix til fragrant
Place celery tops in food processor until finely chopped and add to pot
Add soaked barley and stock and boil (rolling) for 1 hr
Just before serving, add 2 packets of crushed rice noodles (vermicelli) and a handful of crushed toasted sesame seeds. Serve with
Chilli Spring Onion Rice
In a microwave safe bowl combine the following;
1 cup brown rice, 4 tbsp savoury yeast flakes, 2 tsp chilli flakes, 1 tsp ground ginger, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tsp massel chicken stock, 3 cups water.
Microwave on High for 30 min or until all liquid is absorbed. Fold through chopped spring onions (2 large,stem and stalk or 3-4 small)
Serve as a side dish.
A plate of steamed greens with toasted sesame seeds would also go well with this meal, bok choy or gai lan would be my suggestions. Steam until just green and drizzle with 3.2.1 sauce ( 3 tbsp soy, 2 tbsp mirin, 1 tbsp splenda + generous whack of toasted, ground sesame seeds).
'A good, functional and healthy body is the ultimate fashion statement' -Kiyokazu Washida
MS/SA Cath: Four point 2 kilograms. Four point two! That's good, right? I'm in some shock. I guess I thought it would stop working or some such. Am suitably amazed. I did experience some serious trepidation when faced with the scales this morning. All the 'what if's?' crowded into my foggy morning brain and almost stopped me hopping on. Then I thought 'better the devil you know' and stepped onto the white-square-of-death with a wince and looked down squintily. The magical 4.2 has made me happy-ish for today. I am not happy that I have to go in to work, but am resigned to the facts of earning and living.
C/U: Conspiratorially. What if this conitnues to work? ....Nah. I'll hit a plateau,-it always happens. Still...it's starting to become very exciting...the thought that I may be quite slim for the wedding-day. Does that make me shallow?
MS/HA: Good place to sign goo for the day. I'm looking up ever so slightly so any double-chin is impossible for you to see, and we're avoiding my back view all together. Well, at the end of the day, you don't need to be slim after all,-you just need a camera man who knows what they're doing and is sensitive to the female plight.
End Scene
See what I mean? A bit 'oopsy' on the amount of squares in each row for starters....(that's Mr's foot top-right,-doesn't let silly quilting endeavours stop him playing 'Destroy all Humans' on his PS2). Please tell me this can be saved?! That's way too much fabric and money to have to scrap. I am planning to applique though...maybe I can 'cover' mistake bits with conveniently placed poppies?