And while everyone's looking for someone to blame, everyone has missed the most important thing.
People in crisis are magnificent! Honestly, my newsfeed alone this afternoon got me all choked up. Elderly ladies folding and sorting donated clothes, someone sold someone a car six months ago, -happened to have their number and offered the entire family refuge. So many local businesses offering free food and shelter.
Labour candidate for Macquarie, Susan Templeman lost her home. She was on the news the same day supporting the local community and offering solace and strength to her fellow did this woman NOT get elected?. I would have been a sobbing mess. She rallied and found the strength to lead and comfort. As for her competitor, Louise Marcus..nowhere to be seen. The fact that she doesn't actually live in the electorate may have helped. Guess she was watching the news and thinking "Oh, those poor people!", but she wasn't there. Susan was.
I would imagine that the woman who had lost her home, who had lost all her belongings, who had lost precious emotional ties forever would be LESS able to comment, to support, to encourage....and yet, it was the woman who lost everything who came to the communities' aid. She was the one on the ground. Where, exactly was Ms Marcus??.
While I'm at it , -Mr O'Farrell...was cutting funding for fire services a really good idea?. No, I mean, -was it REALLY a good idea?...I'd like to meet with you in a Pub (the Oriental, Springwood?) with those members of the Rural Fire Service and State Fire Service that aren't collapsed from exhaustion to discuss it.
While we're at it Tony Abbott, could we discuss the fact that your/my country/world is at the tipping point?, could we discuss what the future will look like for my tiny son?.
I imagine not. I suspect you wouldn't see me in the first place (I'm an average citizen with an Arts qualification...gahhhhh!), I also imagine that you (or more likely your junior, -nay trainee, staffers) would barrack me off at the gates.
Oh, and just by-the-by, The Greens Party do NOT discourage back-burning. Even if they *did* (which they don't) do you (my various right-wing 'friends') imagine that they suddenly took hold of your electorate and overcame state policy? . The Greens encourage fire and native forest management via many means INCLUDING back-burning. They DO have the nerve to ask for enquiries into child-asthma and respiratory disorders as a result. I guess that makes them crazy...
Finally, to everyone in my community that derives their livelihood from mining, - I am NOT against you. I fully appreciate your skills/qualifications/worries. I understand that you are frightened of losing jobs/income.
I absolutely agree that the current Government infrastructure does not help you. I agree that a 60 yr old Mining executive may not have the the time nor ability to 'retrain' and that any national 'Green' initiative will only hurt you and your family.
Here's the thing. The Federal Govt has only so much $$ to distribute. Under Abbott's Govt., the $$ will be distributed to Industry. I mean 'profitable' Industry. Yep. The mighty dollar.
That's all well and good if you happen to be in that industry (well, at least until the fossil-fuel resources run out...hey, by then you'll be dead!), but not so good for anyone *not* in the 94%?
There was a quote today on Facebook that 'Greenies were to blame for the fires..and that they were always 'the first to run'.
Firstly, why do you think a minority political party has any say in actions on a State level? Ask Barry!
Secondly, Yes. There are 'Greenies' in your electorate.
I am one.
I didn't 'run'. I did not, and will never "hide".
There actually is a median that we can all work towards.