Monday, February 16, 2009


Ok> so what seems millenia later, I am again on the ubiquitous '2 week wait'. It's obscene. I am a reasonably intelligent woman. I am lefter than left. I am obsessed with charting and temperatures and CM indications.
I am overwhelmed by the lingo of the baby-needing online community.
' I am 4 days past OD and have done numerous OPK. Hunny and I BD'd on the...4th...the ...5th and the ..6th.Am waiting for AF but am sure my OPK is pos?'
What the? what's the 'CD' and what's with all the blinky lights?
Am starting to think that only very very crazy women have babies.
This is all very confusing. And here I thought having sex was the thing..generally, for baby-making. Oh no. There is a whole new language.
'My Doc tested my HcG levels yesterday' luteal phase is longer'..,'I'm down to 1oo HcG, =can I still get pregnant?'...I don't know. I have a womb and I don't know. They test levels? Who? Not my GP. I get a wink and a handshake. Grumble. t's all too difficult. I haven't the intellgience to decipher the acronyms nor behave like a doctor. I am a music teacher.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So Me

So not me

So me

So not me

So me

So not me

So me

So not me

So me

So not me

So me

So not me

So me

So not me
