Friday, August 31, 2007
Sans imagerie...
I was all ready to post about the extreme beauty of the male back, but buggered if I can find any images. I googled and googled and googled some more. I was given 'stock' image of model (yawn), beetles with eggs on their backs and the back view of an obese male (call me shallow, but I don't find illness attractive).
So, calling all people who can actually use a computer (and don't just pretend like me), Pweeeease send me an image of a nice male back. No Fabio's, no body builders, just a nice male back (like the ones you see of an evening).
I will then photoshop and add arrows and explanations for (my) joy at this sight. This is mainly for Cam, but also because after my (admittedly half-arsed) search, there seems to be great dearth of 'back people' out there.
Have I got a fetish? ....whoohoo! How exciting! I'm really really left now!....
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Things That Make One's Heart Beat Faster

A spray of pear blossom in spring, covered with drops of rain; A hot fragrant bath, a silk robe, sweet-smelling skin and the breath of your lover; The muted hush of an audience as the lights go down; William Blake read by candlelight, The deep rumble of a man's voice, An evening chill in the open air laced with the faintest smell of jasmine, hot skin sliding into cool water, the accidental brush of fingertips, a storm aproaching over mountains; a skilled musician playing, a solitary man watching rain on his windows, walking over smooth stones in the fog; Wisteria blossoms falling in a light breeze; Epic battles and tales of hero's; a blank sheet of paper and something burning inside that wants to fill it; Wooden bookshelves piled high with well-read volumes; Horses unsaddled and running in the early morning; The flung spray and the blown spume and the seagulls crying; the song of the wolf; a father with his newborn baby; museums full of silence and shadow; mango juice trickling down your chin on hot summer nights, the muscles moving on a man's back as he swims alone; lychee nectar over shaved ice; an unexpected hand-written letter; Eyes that speak secrets; bare skin on sun-warmed rocks; the moment something changes; a solitary violin in a minor key; Ripe strawberries hidden under leaves; spider-webs glistening with dew; discovering a wild plum tree; the grace of a dancer; the notion that he's alone and thinking of you; a hint of warmth and fragrant skin beneath a suit, wood-fire smoke in the early evening; expensive Pinot in fine glass sipped alone while watching night fall; the solitary cry of a black cockatoo at sunset; bare feet on warm sand or cool soft grass; faces in firelight; overhearing soft forbidden sighs; walking alone in warm rain; the smell of chestnuts roasting outdoors beneath autumn trees; Eating warm passionfruit from the vine; drowning in Symphonic sound alone and in the company of hundreds; words that are not spoken; finding by accident old love-letters and reading them slowly; ruins and gnarled orchards; sleeping on crisp cotton sheets covered by a warm breeze; a man building a wooden house; the glint of fool's gold in a running stream; ripe tomatoes on the vine; poppies in a field of wheat; bathing in moonlight; the moment before he arrives; howling winds while buried under a soft quilt; autumn leaves crunching under boots; kissing in water; tea, turtlenecks and solitude.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
what old friends get up to....
Without being glib (and really, I have nothing but respect for this old friend), here are a few amusing Thai/English movie translations. They made me chortle,-hope they do the same for you! I should mention, that Stuart is quite an extraordinary linguist, and for those of you interested in foreign laguages, his website is nothing short of extraordinary;
(also linked on my sidebar)
Anyhoo, here's a few 'appetizers'
Original English
"Oh mother - damn! She shot at you with her eyes closed!"
Thai Subtitle
Poetic translation
Oh!.. Your stinky mother shot the door with her eyeballs that were closed on you
Original English
"Count Dooku" ( Star Wars : Episode II)
Thai Subtitle
Poetic Translation
Calculate Dokus
Damn well look at me when you calculate!
Original English
"Don't worry, I got your back."(War film)
Thai Subtitle
ไม่กังวล ฉันเอาหลังของคุณ
Poetic Translation
Fear not! I'm going to have you from behind.
Original English
"Mayday! Mayday!"
Thai Subtitle
วันแรงงาน! วันแรงงาน!
Poetic Translation
Labour Day! Labour Day!
Original English
"King of Gondor"
Thai Subtitle
เจ้าแห่งคอนโด!! (จาก LOTR)
Poetic translation
Lord of the Condominium
Original English
"May the Force be with you."
Thai Subtitle
Poetic translation
Sometimes you might be energetic
Original English
"Come on, man."
Thai Subtitle
Poetic translation
Come here in a male fashion
There are many more to amuse you on his site.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
0 Weddings..

Monday, August 27, 2007
stolen apples

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Miracle of Miracles...
Show Dates
Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 8:00 PM Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 2:00 PM Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 8:00 PM Friday, November 02, 2007 - 8:00 PM Saturday, November 03, 2007 - 2:00 PM Saturday, November 03, 2007 - 8:00 PM Sunday, November 04, 2007 - 2:00 PM
Please contact the Musical Society at for any further information.
Ticket Prices
A Reserve
Senior and Student
B Reserve
Senior and Student
Less 10% discount for groups of 15 or more.Children 16 and under: $20.00 A Reserve, and $15.00 B Reserve.
Who makes the cut?

Saturday, August 25, 2007
As happy as a pig in...

The root of all evil

Thursday, August 23, 2007
See you in Valhalla old girl...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
too damn exciting!

2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 package (2-1/4 tsp.) instant yeast
1 cup warm water (you may need a little more)
For the pretzel topping:
1/2 cup warm water
1 tsp. sugar
kosher salt
3 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
Combine all the dough ingredients in a large bowl with your hands. Work the ingredients together until you can form a ball. If the dough is very dry, add a bit more warm water until it comes together. The dough will look messy, but don’t worry about it.
Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and begin kneading by pushing the dough away with the heel of your hand, and then folding it back in onto itself. Push the dough away again and then fold back in. Continue this motion, working the dough until it’s smooth. This should take anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes. (Alternatively, you can knead the dough in a mixer with your dough hook for 5 to 6 minutes).
Once the dough is done, sprinkle some flour on the dough and put it in a large, oiled bowl. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 30 minutes to an hour. It will rise considerably.
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. and line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Dissolve the sugar in the warm water and set aside.
Divide your dough into 8 equal pieces. Roll each piece out into a long rope that’s roughly 24 inches in length. (Don’t make it too long or your pretzels will be too thin.)
Taking hold of the ends of the rope, cross the rope over itself to form a circle with about 4 to 5 inches on each end that are sticking out. Twist the ends over themselves and secure each end on either side of the pretzel.
Carefully dip the pretzel in the water and then place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat with the other pieces of dough.
Sprinkle the pretzels with the kosher salt and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
Put the pretzels in the oven for 6 minutes, then rotate the trays and bake for an additional 6 minutes. Keep an eye on the pretzels so that they don’t burn.
Remove the pretzels from the oven and immediately brush them with the butter. Keep brushing them with butter until you’ve used it all.
Serve the pretzels warm with plenty of mustard or another condiment of your choice.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Rainy day experiment

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Freedom's heavy chain

I'm in love (again)
The Water Mill
There is a mill, an ancient one,
Brown with rain, and dry with sun,
The miller's house is joined with it.
And in July the swallowsflit
To and Fro, in and out,
Round the windows, all about;
The mill wheel whirrs and the waters roar
ut of the dark arch by the door,
The willows toss their silver heads,
And the phloxes in the garden beds
Turn red, turn grey
With the time of day,
And smell sweet in the rain, then die away.
The miller's cat is a tabby, she
is as lean as a healthy cat can be,
She plays in the loft where the sunbeams stroke
The sacks' fat backs, the beetles choke
In the floury dust. The wheel goes round
And the miller's wife sleeps fast and sound.
There is a clock inside the house,
Very tall and bright,
It strike the hour when shadows drowse,
Or showers make the windows white;
Loud and sweet, in rain and sun,
The clock strikes, and the work is done.
The miller's wife ad his eldest girl
Clean and cook, while the mill wheels whirl.
The children take their meat to school,
And at dusk they play by the twilit pool;
Bare-foot, bare-head
Till the day is dead,
And their mother calls them into bed.
The supper stands on the clean-scrubbed board,
And the miller drinks like a thirsty lord;
The young men come for his daughter's sake,
But she never knows which one to take:
She drives her needle, and pins her stuff,
While the moon shines gold, and the lamp shines buff.
Friday, August 17, 2007
5 star bliss
I have to say, IF one had the $$, it would be worth every brass farthing.
The setting, food, service, music is a symphony of pleasure. Every note perfectly placed to enhance the other. The waiters were attentive but never obsequious, friendly but not overly familiar. The lighting made everyone look like a movie star.
Aperitif: Chilled tomato reduction with olive oil andwholmeal bread. Delicious, refreshing, cleaned the palate while waking it up for delights to a word a very good beginning.
Entree: A light salad of mixed baby greens, wafter thin radish and a raspberry vinaigrette that I could have drunk by the pint. Perfectly dressed (no residue on the bottom of the plate).
Main: Roast vegetables with toasted almonds, salsify and baby nasturtium leaves. Vegetables perfectly cooked and seasoned with the sharp offset of the greens and a side of sugar snap peas. Absoutlely perfect.
Dessert (Not for me) but Dad had Tomah almond tarte with roasted pear, marscapone and maple syrup. Obviously, I didn't have any marscapone, but the balance of flavour was again, masterful. The walnuts reained their own wonderful earthy character without being overwhelmed by sugar, the roasted pear added a delightful paradox of caramelized freshness, and the maple syrup was in pefect quantity to add sweet smokiness without overwhelming any of the other flavours.
Wine: Started with a 2004 western australian pinot (can't remember the vineyard!). It was soooo smooth. No nasty hit on the palate, no obvious taste of alcohol, and a truly identifiable 'grape'. It should be mentioned that I've never in my life had wine that expensive, but I can see that, if one could afford it,-you'd never drink anything else.
Followed by a 2005 Bollinger. Again, bubbles that danced around your palate and a mellow golden fruitiness that finished the meal and led to warm-hearted, contented conversation.
All in all, I could handle this (on special occasions)! Of course, the joys in life are generally due to contrast, The day after such an experience on should have toast & tea, a sandwich and a barbecue.
The grand total of this marvellous excursion into decadence? Over $500. The family handled that possible 'nasty' beautifully. Where we should have turned white and offered to do the dishes,-mum dad and little Bro organized cash neatly, efficiently and with no fuss.
I know it was decadent, I know what other great good could have come from that money, but at very least, I think we hadan experience here that will last a lifetime. I'm certainly not going to forget the experience in a hurry. Hugh Whitehouse,-you and your team are true masters of your art,-what a pleasure and an honour to be able to experience it.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Naive or evil?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Seitan's Lair

Lucas Reijnders and Sam Soret
1 From the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics: Center for Sustainable Development, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (LR), and the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, Loma Linda University School of Public Health, Loma Linda, CA (SS). The journal picked soy studies for a comparison, lucky for you. Meat production took more land (6 to 17 times as much), water (4.4 to 26 times), fossil fuels (6 to 20 times), and biocides (a lumped-together category of pesticides and chemicals used in processing -- 6 times as much). In fact, meat lost in every category. When processing and transport is factored in to the equation, the difference becomes less extreme, but it's still there. Meat-based diets use about twice as many environmental resources as soy-based diets. Despite concerns about deforestation and genetic engineering, soy appears to be the winner here.
The reason for the satisfactory iron status of many vegans may be that commonly eaten foods are high in iron. In fact, if the amount of iron in these foods is expressed as milligrams of iron per 100 calories, many foods eaten by vegans are superior to animal-derived foods. (1) For example, you would have to eat more than 1700 calories of sirloin steak to get the same amount of iron as found in 100 calories of spinach.
Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron 4.
2. Obeid R, Geisel J, Schorr H, et al. The impact of vegetarianism on some haematological parameters. Eur J Haematol. 2002;69:275-9.
3. Hallberg L. Bioavailability of dietary iron in man. Ann Rev Nutr 1981;1:123-147.
4. Gleerup A, Rossander Hulthen L, Gramatkovski E, et al. Iron absorption from the whole diet: comparison of the effect of two different distributions of daily calcium intake. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:97-104.
How do I tell them?

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Six Foot Track.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
(Chuckle) I might go to bed now. Mind you, knowing my brain, I'll dream that he's a spider king and sets his minions upon me. Seriously,-you wouldn't believe how many ruddy dreams I have about ruddy spiders. They chase me (the last one was foot sized and had a large pink spot on it's back, it moved very fast and chased me from room to room).
What do spiders signify in dreams anyway?
It's aliiiiive

acai berries
barley juice
cayenne pepper
lactobacillus acidophillus
green tea
alpha lipoic acid
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Crimson Velvet cupcakes

Good sploosh of lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350°F.In a mixer with a paddle attachment, mix the oil, sugar and eggs until creamy. In a separate small bowl, combine the cocoa powder and food coloring, and stir. Once you have a thick paste, add it to the mixer. In a medium bowl, combine the flour and salt with a whisk and set aside. In a liquid measuring cup, combine the vanilla extract and buttermilk. Stir and set aside.Add half of the buttermilk mixture to the mixer and stir on a low speed. Add half of the flour mixture and combine. Alternate this process with the remaining wet and dry ingredients. When all wet and dry ingredients have been combined in the mixer, fold in the baking soda and vinegar.Line a mini muffin tray with mini muffin holders. Evenly distribute the batter among the cups. Bake for 30 minutes. Let the cupcakes cool before frosting.
For the frosting:
In a mixer with a whisk attachment, beat together the cream cheese, butter and vanilla extract until light and fluffy. Slowly add in the sugar and continue mixing until there are no lumps. Add milk to thin if necessary.
3 degrees of Gerry Butler