Thursday, June 26, 2008

Straight through please

I don't want a long conversation and a bout of justifying my remuneration. I just want a simple yes or no. This is a dance I shall sit out if you don't mind very much. I have forwarded my request and reasons. I justify myself every day I walk up those stairs. Further conversation in this matter is futile and insulting. Either I'm worth an extra $5/hr or I'm not. Just decide.


  1. I hope they say yes! A few of my friends used to work there teaching various things and I always thought they should have been paid more.

  2. Thankyou for the vote of confidence:-) They're really good at assing about and never deciding anything at all. If It doesn't change soon, I will leave.

  3. You shall have my full support. And my first-born child.

  4. That will be handy indeed especially when I change my name to Rumplestiltzkin:-)
