Like everyone else in this country, I am shocked and distressed by the fires and the sheer enormity of the havoc they have wreaked.
Having been through the fires in the Blue Mountains many times, it has, of course, set me to thinking about what I would do if some evil maniac decided to start flaming up the mountains.
I do not own this house, so it's loss would be awful, but ultimately someone else's problem. However, like many broke young couples, we do not have contents insurance,-I would need to save stuff.
Things I would save for absolute certain
(1) My husband
(2) My cat
(3) My photo albums and CD's with photos (these are in a metal filing box near the door now)
Things I would wish to save but probably couldn't
My piano, my sheet music, my books, my large and comfy bed, my garden, my various artworks from over the years, my marriage certificate (actually, I should put that in the box), the Acting Factory sets in my shed, my blankets that grandma crocheted, Brett's guitars.
What's amazing is how little I have that I really care about. Stuff is just stuff. My greatest wish right now is that the insurance companies that these people have been paying for a gazillion years behave like actual human beings and pay out..lots and soon.
I'm looking into contents insurance at the moment, its actually not that expensive. I'm hoping to be able to convince my housemates to go along with this insuring things plan of mine.