Saturday, June 28, 2008
Unusually bold
I have been cited various and numerous instances of people getting jobs through sheer force of personality, impressive adaptability and just general intelligence and affability. I am also determined to get a pay-rise. If this means changing jobs,-so be it. If the current lot won't give me one, maybe there is an employer out there who will value me a little more highly...and his sister runs quite the successful lingerie line...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Straight through please
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bridget Jones moment
I did manage to light a roaring fire 'all by myself' though,-quite chuffed about that.
I had dinner early 'cos I happened to be hungry and didn't have to 'wait' until we both were, vacuumed the house thoroughly, raked the yard, applied liberal cow manure to fruiting trees and raspberry canes, started reading some Ursula le Guin (I have never read the Earthsea books and figured it was high time I gave them a go), got bored and started reading some Naomi Wolf, got bored and started re-reading Kaz Cook's 'Up the Duff', got bored...luckily the phone rang..but it was mum telling me about how beautiful my brother's interior-designed apartment looks. Harrumph.
Time is quite the slow old phenomenon without other humans. I dragged out the sewing machine and was going to do some quilting but lost my motivation before I got started. Oh well, the kitchen table looks like someone's going to be creative at some point in the near future.
I did complete my course-outline for the Nepean Community College yesterday, and am anxiously waiting for my CSU acceptance papers. Mum asked if I was, perhaps, 'depressed'. Perhaps, although I couldn't tell you about what. I don't feel depressed. Tired and persnickety, yes. Everything will be fine after I've watched Mansfield Park tonight though. I may even have a glass of myself...does that make me an alco? I am drinking alone, but only out of happenstance...That's my defense and I'm sticking to it.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Careful the things you say...
OK. Fired up, all engines blazing. Annoyed again by economic rationalism and the 'plight' of the poor beef farmer. Boo-friggin' hoo. I have changed jobs constantly for the last 15 years according to necessity. Sometimes this went against our family traditions, sometimes against my pride and ability, sometimes against my own code of morality (BP....), but Jesus H Christ,-don't try and tell me that beef farming is all you have or you'll die. Bored with that argument. I once said the same thing about acting and music. Oh?....not in the same ballpark? really? I have had to change, reinvent and compromise in order to surivive. Try it.
Do not sully my intelligence with half-baked romanticism about land and family. Try training for5 15 years to 'expert' level only to find that society couldn't care less. I can't rope a steer but I can sing an aria, play anything from the BWV and teach the aforementioned to anyone who takes the time to try.
Of course, I am far less tragic than the 'drought-stricken farmer'. They do 'real stuff'.
Our government wets their pants to help the cattle-torturers but is mute for our artists. Obviously, one brings captal, the other brings only joy and questions and despair and elation and fury and apathy etc. I am now charging $1.66 per thought.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hey little sister, Shotgun
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Take my love, take me land...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
lentil soup
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thai Food and School Staffrooms
To top everything off I settled down with Ms Greer and her politics of human fertility...bit of light bed-time reading.
Today I am a bear. I need to hibernate. I am annoyed that I had to wake up at all. I'm even more annoyed that I have 6 hours of straight teaching to get through without a break this afternoon. The old body feels quite odd,-reminiscent of my fun Glandular fever experience a few years back. Just procuring breakfast this morning made me want to crawl back into my nest to recover. However, as one has no choice in such matters, one will ingest serious caffeine and soldier through. Isn't it school holidays yet?
I also have to face my kitchen and clean 2 days detritus and prepare something or other for Mr's dinner. Even peeling spuds seems like a serious undertaking today. Big Sigh. Straighten back (and resolve) and get on with it woman.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Minestrone and cockatoos
For those who are inclined, here's the recipe. It looks complex, but really apart from browning onions and cooking off the tomato paste first thing, you bung everything else in the pot, bring to the boil and then simmer for a couple of hours. That's the true genius of soup:-)
1 large brown onion finely chopped
2 or three celery stalks and leaves finely chopped
1 ear of corn kernels
2 medium carrots, grated
1 red capsicum finely chopped
1 cup soup mix (lentils/beans/barley etc)
1/2 cup small pasta shapes
2 tins No Frills tomato soup
1 tbsp Massel chicken stock
1 Green Gourmet vegan sausage finely diced
2 tsp vegeta seasoning
2 tsp italian mixed herbs
2 tbsp tomato paste
1/3 cup tomato ketchup
1 tsp chilli flakes
2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast Flakes
3-4 L purified water
Heady stuff. Serve with hot bread. Oh, and I brown the onions in Nuttelex.
My bird feeder continues to delight and amuse me, but I had rather a sad visitor today. A very very old and scabby cockie. He wasn't managing very well so I popped some seeds on the back balcony just for him (yeah...that worked!). He obliged me by posing for a photo with a couple of his younger and more handsome buddies. Poor bugger, I will now do everything I can to look after him, but I doubt he's got a great deal of time left on this planet....sniffle.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
It's only as odd as you feel

Three cheers for me. I made a small (mostly unnoticed) stand. Lydgate and Mr went off to the movies and I went to Blackheath for coffee with my family.
Friday, June 6, 2008
You say you want...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Washing Up and Ornithology
My kitchen is soooooo clean. This should shock you considerably. My kitchen generally ambles between shabby and shocking. I love cooking but have, until now despised washing up (except occasionally in winter when there seems so nother way to warm up my hands).

Just this morning an amusing scene at pear-tree theatre. 2 rainbow lorikeets screaming at a cockatoo while two rosellas pulled at their tail feathers trying to get to the feeder. Mr Cockatoo got quite stroppy, but the colourful little bullies weren't backing down. Meanwhile 2 king parrots sit in the box tree above patiently waiting for everyone else to move along.