I saw blue! It has disappeared again, but 'twas definately there for a few minutes. I am glad I don't have to work this week, but as a result I'm rather at a loose end here. I have done everything that needs to be done and am now kinda twiddling my thumbs. Argh...here comes the rain again....
I know I shouldn't do this 'cos it's supposed to be all secret and stuff, but here's a sneak preview of the dress...
The bottom is a little crushed because it's hanging in a protective bag (I'm attempting to keep it well clear of Miss Merow). Pretty pretty pretty! The hairdresser's did a marvellous job by the way, I have my natural colour back! (Well, natural with a few foils...), there is something wonderful about gentle female hands giving you a thorough scalp massage..indulgent to be sure, but magic. When I'm extremely rich I will get this done at least once a month. Now I can see quite a lot of blue out there....blue skies, smilin' at me... I should probably get off my lazy posterior and clean the house...might not though. Being bone-lazy and indolent is quite a nice change for me. Might just try to revel in it instead:-) I will clean up on thursday so all the people flocking in on Friday don't think they've accidentally walked into the Garbage set from Labyrinth. I'm looking forward to Friday actually, lots of cooking and playing with flowers. Oh bugger, I should be trying to learn those vows too...might do that then.
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