Bit of a pagan old day really. Maybe it's the red moon, maybe it's the impending nuptials...Thought I'd share the lyrics of two wonderful songs from the original 'Wicker Man' film.
But first, I took some apples down to old man apple tree and placed them in his branches. I think he may have forgotten what they look like...
I also took some snaps of my extremely enthusiastic beans and my glorious pineapple sage. The sparks of brilliant red look wonderful in the autumn sunlight and will be welcome additions to wedding decorations (should balance beautifully with the apple branches, pumpkins, corn wheat and herbs spilling from every available crack in the stone walls)

So, my all-time favourite Gently Johnny:
I put my hand upon her kneeAnd she said - do you want to see? I put my hand upon her breastAnd she said - do you want to kiss? Gently gently johnnyGently johnny, my jinglo(repeat)I put my hand upon her thighAnd she said - would you like to try? I put my hand upon her bellyAnd she said - do you want to fill me? Gently gently gently johnnyGently johnny my jinglo...(repeat)I put my hand upon her kneeAnd she said - do you want to see? I put my hand upon her breastAnd she said - do you want to kiss? Gently gently gently johnnyGently johnny my jinglo
And the delightfully literal May Pole Song:
In the woods there grew a treeAnd a fine fine tree was heAnd on that tree there was a limbAnd on that limb there was a branchAnd on that branch there was a nestAnd in that nest there was an eggAnd in that egg there was a birdAnd from that bird a feather cameAnd of that feather wasA bedAnd on that bed there was a girlAnd on that girl there was a manAnd from that man there was a seedAnd from that seed there was a boyAnd from that boy there was a manAnd for that man there was a graveFrom that grave there grewA treeIn the Summerisle,Summerisle, Summerisle, Summerisle woodSummerisle wood.
To conclude todays little rant, Christopher Lee's monologue (only in the Director's cut)...what can I say? Agree agree agree:-)
I think I could turn and live with animals, they're so placid and self contain'd,I stand and look at them long and long.They do not sweat and whine about their condition,They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things,Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,Not one is respectable or unhappy over the earth

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