Saturday, July 21, 2007

Our Town

Yah, so popped off to the Seymour tonight to see state schools kiddies tread the boards and ran into Lynne, Ada and Matt. Great show, fab bubbly, good time all around dahling. Some weak moments (theatrically speaking) but well worth the drive. Chookas.

Aaaand, I stood at the other side of the foyer thinking "I bet Lynne doesn't remember me, -I should go and say hello, -nah, I'll just look like a total tosser."

Went outside and had a cigarette with Brett instead.

Also drank expensive champagne quite fast because Brett' ex-crush was there working the lollie-stand. Hah hah! Me patron, you slave!

It would help if her teeth weren't perfect/if she wasn't a size zero/if she wasn't quite so talented/friendly/professional/held-together and generally goddam nice.

I mean, screw my seven ways til tuesday, -she actually came up and said hello. I was rude (but otherwise involved in convo, so I didn't look too rude, just quite busy.

Have I mentioned that Ada Nicodemou is TINY. Like, Jim Rose circus tiny, like, I;m 5'4" and I could step on her accidentally. I hate to think what he went through in the last lot of serious Sydney winds. Poor little mite.

Matt Newton looks just like Boo (Mind you, I've always said that). Boo,-you're cuter though...never did have much time for blondes.

Why does a good night out always have to have a sting?

Can't I just go out and have a good time for once?

The world is just too goddam small, and that's all there is to it. Grr.

...Oh, and I'm fat and gross.


  1. Cath, in response to your blog I went out last night and infected Ada with a particularly virulent strain of herpes. No further explanation necessary.

  2. Not Ada sweetheart, Clare. The Clare from droughtbreaker. She was working behind the lollie stand at the Seymour....Oh dear,poor Ada. -Good thing you're a doctor:-)
