In response to many enquiries; No, I am not dead nor in significant physical or mental distress. No-one in my family has dropped off the perch; I am not in mourning; I am not particularly pissed off at anyone; I have not been offered the Artistic Directorship of the Actor's Centre in New York and I have been keeping myself occupied....without a computer for THREE WEEKS!!.
I have been neatly filling in time with books, friends and (gasp) longhand notes on various matters. Totally odd, I assure you. I felt 16 again. I started using the telephone regularly. I actually pulled out reference books that had been usurped by google for many years. I had to just deal with not being able to look up everything (including train timetables and growing habits of Jerusalem Artichokes). I was quite pleased at finding a 1800 number for Cityrail and called Chalkgirl for the chokes info.
More importantly, I realised how long a day can be without innane games and odd Fspazbook applications.
Having said that, I am heartily glad to be back in cyberworld and have been making something of a glutton of myself this evening as a result. Like all diets (enforced or not), net-deprivation is followed by a frantic gulping of information and search engines. Unlike diets, it shouldn't make me fat...I think....Poor Lydgate left about an hour ago and I muttered something distracted,-eyes glued to the screen. I didn't even get up for a cuddle and that's reasonably odd.
Important events since the compulsory 'blackout' have been Mr's 31st birthday party at the Green Gourmet, Newtown followed by drinks at the den of the Cybervixen on Denison
More recently, we met up with Cyberfox's mum at Glenbrook to do a couple of play-readings (possibly one of the absolute BEST ways to spend an evening). French champagne, log fire, very unfairly wonderful and talented people all around and the chance to relive one of my earliest parts. 'Time to Remember' won 2nd prize in the Sydney theatre Critics Young Playwright's awards some years back and I had the honour of premiering the role of 'smith'. Mr played opposite me with suitable panache. We also read the Morrigan's 'Mrs Bond and her Ducks-a fertility play' -v.v.clever and v.v.funny,-keep an eye out for it in local theatres soon.
Guitars were sourced and comforting renditions of 'St.James Infirmary' and 'Bitch in a Manger' were performed with tipsy aplomb. Aaaaah. Good times.
Note to all: Computers do not want a drink. No matter how fine the chardonnay they do not appreciate it being tipped all over them...not at all. Annoyingly, I wasn't drunk at the time,-just excited about a scrabble in a game I had been losing....
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